-- do not bless methods unless asked
-We should turn off automagic method blessing for classes which are
-not explictly asking for a metaclass.
+[23:47] Theory stevan: What do you think of the use of key names as substitutes for class names that Class::Meta uses?
+[23:48] stevan Theory: key names?
+[23:48] Theory stevan: All Class::Meta classes have key names.
+[23:48] Theory They're short aliases, basically
+[23:48] stevan oh
+[23:48] Theory So Foo::Bar::App::Person might be "person".
+[23:48] Theory This is useful for a few things:
+[23:48] Theory 1. Database mapping (table/view names)
+[23:48] Theory 2. easy type specification
+[23:49] Theory 3. Use in other contexts (e.g., URLs)
+[23:49] Theory So in effect, class key names in Class::Meta are also types.
+[23:49] Theory So I can say
+[23:49] Theory has user => ( type => 'person');
+[23:49] Theory instead of
+[23:49] Theory has user => (type => "Foo::Bar::App::Person");
+[23:50] Theory Anyway, the key name stuff is essential for the ORM stuff I do.
+[23:50] Theory Which is why I'm asking you for your thoughts on it.
+[23:50] stevan where is the mapping stored?
+[23:50] stevan and how and when is it computed?
+[23:51] Theory It's just another attribute of the Meta::Class object,
+[23:51] Theory If it's not specified, it just grabs the last part of the package name.
+[23:51] Theory and lowercases it.
+[23:51] stevan but is there any global map anywhere?
+[23:51] Theory But it has to be unique.
+[23:52] Theory yes, Class::Meta stores a hash that maps key names to Meta::Class objects.
+[23:52] Theory So you can say
+[23:52] stevan k
+[23:52] stevan yeah Class::MOP has a similar thing
+[23:52] Theory my $meta = Class::Meta->for_key('person')
+[23:52] Theory Which is great for mapping URLs and database tables.
+[23:52] stevan Class::MOP::get_metaclass_by_name('Foo::Bar::App::Person')
+[23:52] Theory yes, but it's only package names, right?
+[23:52] stevan I could add Class::MOP::get_metaclass_by_key('person')
+[23:52] stevan yeah it is
+[23:53] Theory not a substitute key word.
+[23:53] Theory Yes, that's what I'm thinking, exactly.,
+[23:53] stevan yeah that would be fairly easy actually
+[23:54] stevan I have been pondering (for a very long time actually) a Smalltalk like class browser
+[23:54] stevan it would be very useful in that context
+[23:54] Theory Glad to hear it. :-)
+[23:54] * stevan jots another note onto the TODO list