my( $self, $opts ) = @_;
# Get default and specified options
- my %graphopts = ();
+ my %graphopts = (
+ # 'ratio' => 1,
+ );
my %nodeopts = (
'fontsize' => 11,
- 'hshape' => 'plaintext', # Shape for the hypothetical nodes
- 'htext' => '*',
'style' => 'filled',
'fillcolor' => 'white',
+ 'color' => 'white',
'shape' => 'ellipse', # Shape for the extant nodes
my %edgeopts = (
- 'arrowhead' => 'open',
+ 'arrowhead' => 'none',
@graphopts{ keys %{$opts->{'graph'}} } = values %{$opts->{'graph'}}
if $opts->{'graph'};
## Print out the global attributes
push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( 'graph', %graphopts ) ) if keys %graphopts;
push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( 'edge', %edgeopts ) ) if keys %edgeopts;
- ## Delete our special attributes from the node set before continuing
- my $hshape = delete $nodeopts{'hshape'};
- my $htext = delete $nodeopts{'htext'};
push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( 'node', %nodeopts ) ) if keys %nodeopts;
# Add each of the nodes.
foreach my $n ( $self->graph->vertices ) {
- if( $self->graph->get_vertex_attribute( $n, 'class' ) eq 'hypothetical' ) {
- # Apply our display settings for hypothetical nodes.
- push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( $n, 'shape' => $hshape, 'label' => $htext ) );
+ if( $self->graph->has_vertex_attribute( $n, 'label' ) ) {
+ my $ltext = $self->graph->get_vertex_attribute( $n, 'label' );
+ push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( $n, 'label' => $ltext ) );
} else {
# Use the default display settings.
push( @dotlines, " $n;" );