--- /dev/null
+package DBIx::Class::IntrospectableM2M;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base 'DBIx::Class';
+#namespace pollution. sadface.
+__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata( _m2m_metadata => {} );
+sub many_to_many {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my ($meth_name, $link, $far_side) = @_;
+ $class->_m2m_metadata->{$meth_name} =
+ {
+ accessor => $meth_name,
+ relation => $link, #"link" table or imediate relation
+ foreign_relation => $far_side, #'far' table or foreign relation
+ (@_ > 3 ? (attrs => $_[3]) : ()), #only store if exist
+ rs_method => "${meth_name}_rs", #for completeness..
+ add_method => "add_to_${meth_name}",
+ set_method => "set_${meth_name}",
+ remove_method => "remove_from_${meth_name}",
+ };
+ $class->next::method(@_);
#m2m / has_many
+ my $m2m_meta;
+ if(my $coderef = $source->result_class->can('_m2m_metadata')){
+ $m2m_meta = $source->result_class->$coderef;
+ }
my $constraint_is_ArrayRef =
$from_attr->type_constraint->name eq 'ArrayRef' ||
my $sm = $self->class_name_from_source_name($parent_class, $rel_moniker);
#type constraint is a collection, and default builds it
- $attr_opts{isa} = $self->class_name_for_collection_of($sm);
- $attr_opts{default} = sub {
- my $rs = shift->$dm_name->related_resultset($attr_name);
- return $attr_opts{isa}->new(_source_resultset => $rs);
- };
+ my $isa = $attr_opts{isa} = $self->class_name_for_collection_of($sm);
+ $attr_opts{default} = eval "sub {
+ my \$rs = shift->${dm_name}->related_resultset('${attr_name}');
+ return ${isa}->new(_source_resultset => \$rs);
+ }";
} elsif( $rel_accessor eq 'single') {
#type constraint is the foreign IM object, default inflates it
- $attr_opts{isa} = $self->class_name_from_source_name($parent_class, $rel_moniker);
- $attr_opts{default} = sub {
- if (defined(my $o = shift->$dm_name->$reader)) {
- return $attr_opts{isa}->inflate_result($o->result_source, { $o->get_columns });
+ my $isa = $attr_opts{isa} = $self->class_name_from_source_name($parent_class, $rel_moniker);
+ $attr_opts{default} = eval "sub {
+ if (defined(my \$o = shift->${dm_name}->${reader})) {
+ return ${isa}->inflate_result(\$o->result_source, { \$o->get_columns });
return undef;
- #->find_related($attr_name, {},{result_class => $attr_opts{isa}});
- };
+ }";
} elsif( $constraint_is_ArrayRef && $attr_name =~ m/^(.*)_list$/ ) {
#m2m magic
." traversing many-many for ${mm_name}_list";
my $sm = $self->class_name_from_source_name($parent_class,$far_side->source_name);
- $attr_opts{isa} = $self->class_name_for_collection_of($sm);
+ my $isa = $attr_opts{isa} = $self->class_name_for_collection_of($sm);
#proper collections will remove the result_class uglyness.
- $attr_opts{default} = sub {
- my $rs = shift->$dm_name->related_resultset($link_table)->related_resultset($mm_name);
- return $attr_opts{isa}->new(_source_resultset => $rs);
- };
- #} elsif( $constraint_is_ArrayRef ){
- #test these to see if rel is m2m
- #my $meth = $attr_name;
- #if( $source->can("set_${meth}") && $source->can("add_to_${meth}") &&
- # $source->can("${meth}_rs") && $source->can("remove_from_${meth}") ){
- #}
+ $attr_opts{default} = eval "sub {
+ my \$rs = shift->${dm_name}->related_resultset('${link_table}')->related_resultset('${mm_name}');
+ return ${isa}->new(_source_resultset => \$rs);
+ }";
+ } elsif( $constraint_is_ArrayRef && defined $m2m_meta && exists $m2m_meta->{$attr_name} ){
+ #m2m if using introspectable m2m component
+ my $rel = $m2m_meta->{$attr_name}->{relation};
+ my $far_rel = $m2m_meta->{$attr_name}->{foreign_relation};
+ my $far_source = $source->related_source($rel)->related_source($far_rel);
+ my $sm = $self->class_name_from_source_name($parent_class, $far_source->source_name);
+ my $isa = $attr_opts{isa} = $self->class_name_for_collection_of($sm);
+ my $rs_meth = $m2m_meta->{$attr_name}->{rs_method};
+ $attr_opts{default} = eval "sub {
+ return ${isa}->new(_source_resultset => shift->${dm_name}->${rs_meth});
+ }";
} else {
#no rel
$attr_opts{isa} = $from_attr->_isa_metadata;
- $attr_opts{default} = sub{ shift->$dm_name->$reader };
+ $attr_opts{default} = eval "sub{ shift->${dm_name}->${reader} }";
return \%attr_opts;
+ my $m2m_meta;
+ if(my $coderef = $source_class->result_class->can('_m2m_metadata')){
+ $m2m_meta = $source_class->result_class->$coderef;
+ }
#test for relationships
my $constraint_is_ArrayRef =
$from_attr->type_constraint->name eq 'ArrayRef' ||
} elsif ( $constraint_is_ArrayRef && $attr_name =~ m/^(.*)_list$/) {
my $mm_name = $1;
my $link_table = "links_to_${mm_name}_list";
- my ($hm_source, $far_side);
- eval { $hm_source = $source->related_source($link_table); }
- || confess "Can't find ${link_table} has_many for ${mm_name}_list";
- eval { $far_side = $hm_source->related_source($mm_name); }
- || confess "Can't find ${mm_name} belongs_to on ".$hm_source->result_class
- ." traversing many-many for ${mm_name}_list";
$attr_opts{default} = sub { [] };
$attr_opts{valid_values} = sub {
+ } elsif( $constraint_is_ArrayRef && defined $m2m_meta && exists $m2m_meta->{$attr_name} ){
+ #m2m if using introspectable m2m component
+ my $rel = $m2m_meta->{$attr_name}->{relation};
+ my $far_rel = $m2m_meta->{$attr_name}->{foreign_relation};
+ $attr_opts{default} = sub { [] };
+ $attr_opts{valid_values} = sub {
+ shift->target_model->result_source->related_source($rel)
+ ->related_source($far_rel)->resultset;
+ };
#use Data::Dumper;
#print STDERR "\n" .$attr_name ." - ". $object . "\n";
package # hide from PAUSE
-use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;
+use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
use metaclass 'Reaction::Meta::Class';
use Moose;
has 'id' => (isa => Int, is => 'ro', required => 1);
has 'first_name' => (isa => NonEmptySimpleStr, is => 'rw', required => 1);
has 'last_name' => (isa => NonEmptySimpleStr, is => 'rw', required => 1);
-has 'baz_list' =>
+has 'bazes' =>
isa => ArrayRef,
required => 1,
- reader => 'get_baz_list',
- writer => 'set_baz_list'
+ reader => 'get_bazes',
+ writer => 'set_bazes'
use namespace::clean -except => [ 'meta' ];
+__PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/IntrospectableM2M Core/);
-__PACKAGE__->has_many('links_to_baz_list' => 'RTest::TestDB::FooBaz', 'foo');
-__PACKAGE__->many_to_many('baz_list' => 'links_to_baz_list' => 'baz');
+__PACKAGE__->has_many('foo_baz' => 'RTest::TestDB::FooBaz', 'foo');
+__PACKAGE__->many_to_many('bazes' => 'foo_baz' => 'baz');
sub display_name {
my $self = shift;
return join(' ', $self->first_name, $self->last_name);
-sub get_baz_list { [ shift->baz_list->all ] };
+sub get_bazes { [ shift->bazes_rs->all ] };
__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable(inline_constructor => 0);