my %TYPE;
+# The root type
+$TYPE{Any} = Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(
+ name => 'Any',
+my @builtins = (
+ # $name => $parent, $code,
+ # the base type
+ Item => 'Any', undef,
+ # the maybe[] type
+ Maybe => 'Item', undef,
+ # value types
+ Undef => 'Item', \&Undef,
+ Defined => 'Item', \&Defined,
+ Bool => 'Item', \&Bool,
+ Value => 'Defined', \&Value,
+ Str => 'Value', \&Str,
+ Num => 'Str', \&Num,
+ Int => 'Num', \&Int,
+ # ref types
+ Ref => 'Defined', \&Ref,
+ ScalarRef => 'Ref', \&ScalarRef,
+ ArrayRef => 'Ref', \&ArrayRef,
+ HashRef => 'Ref', \&HashRef,
+ CodeRef => 'Ref', \&CodeRef,
+ RegexpRef => 'Ref', \&RegexpRef,
+ GlobRef => 'Ref', \&GlobRef,
+ # object types
+ FileHandle => 'GlobRef', \&FileHandle,
+ Object => 'Ref', \&Object,
+ # special string types
+ ClassName => 'Str', \&ClassName,
+ RoleName => 'ClassName', \&RoleName,
+while (my ($name, $parent, $code) = splice @builtins, 0, 3) {
+ $TYPE{$name} = Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(
+ name => $name,
+ parent => $TYPE{$parent},
+ optimized => $code,
+ );
+# make it parametarizable
+$TYPE{Maybe} {constraint_generator} = \&_parameterize_Maybe_for;
+$TYPE{ArrayRef}{constraint_generator} = \&_parameterize_ArrayRef_for;
+$TYPE{HashRef} {constraint_generator} = \&_parameterize_HashRef_for;
+# sugars
sub as ($) { (as => $_[0]) }
sub where (&) { (where => $_[0]) }
sub message (&) { (message => $_[0]) }
sub from { @_ }
sub via (&) { $_[0] }
- my %builtins = (
- Any => undef, # null check
- Item => undef, # null check
- Maybe => undef, # null check
- Bool => \&Bool,
- Undef => \&Undef,
- Defined => \&Defined,
- Value => \&Value,
- Num => \&Num,
- Int => \&Int,
- Str => \&Str,
- Ref => \&Ref,
- ScalarRef => \&ScalarRef,
- ArrayRef => \&ArrayRef,
- HashRef => \&HashRef,
- CodeRef => \&CodeRef,
- RegexpRef => \&RegexpRef,
- GlobRef => \&GlobRef,
- FileHandle => \&FileHandle,
- Object => \&Object,
- ClassName => \&ClassName,
- RoleName => \&RoleName,
- );
+# type utilities
- while (my ($name, $code) = each %builtins) {
- $TYPE{$name} = Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(
- name => $name,
- optimized => $code,
- );
- }
+sub optimized_constraints { # DEPRECATED
+ Carp::cluck('optimized_constraints() has been deprecated');
+ return \%TYPE;
- sub optimized_constraints { # DEPRECATED
- Carp::cluck('optimized_constraints() has been deprecated');
- return \%TYPE;
- }
+undef @builtins; # free the allocated memory
+@builtins = keys %TYPE; # reuse it
+sub list_all_builtin_type_constraints { @builtins }
- my @builtins = keys %TYPE;
- sub list_all_builtin_type_constraints { @builtins }
+sub list_all_type_constraints { keys %TYPE }
- sub list_all_type_constraints { keys %TYPE }
sub _create_type{
my $mode = shift;
if(defined $name){
- my $package_defined_in = $args{package_defined_in} ||= caller(1);
- my $existing = $TYPE{$name};
- if($existing && $existing->{package_defined_in} ne $package_defined_in){
- confess("The type constraint '$name' has already been created in "
- . "$existing->{package_defined_in} and cannot be created again in $package_defined_in");
+ # set 'package_defined_in' only if it is not a core package
+ my $this = $args{package_defined_in};
+ if(!$this){
+ $this = caller(1);
+ if($this !~ /\A Mouse \b/xms){
+ $args{package_defined_in} = $this;
+ }
+ }
+ if($TYPE{$name}){
+ my $that = $TYPE{$name}->{package_defined_in} || __PACKAGE__;
+ ($this eq $that) or confess(
+ "The type constraint '$name' has already been created in $that and cannot be created again in $this"
+ );
sub class_type {
my($name, $options) = @_;
my $class = $options->{class} || $name;
+ # ClassType
return _create_type 'subtype', $name => (
as => 'Object',
optimized_as => Mouse::Util::generate_isa_predicate_for($class),
- type => 'Class',
sub role_type {
my($name, $options) = @_;
my $role = $options->{role} || $name;
+ # RoleType
return _create_type 'subtype', $name => (
as => 'Object',
optimized_as => sub { Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0]) && does_role($_[0], $role) },
- type => 'Role',
@methods = (@_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') ? @{$_[0]} : @_;
+ # DuckType
return _create_type 'type', $name => (
optimized_as => Mouse::Util::generate_can_predicate_for(\@methods),
- type => 'DuckType',
%valid = map{ $_ => undef } (@_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$_[0]} : @_);
+ # EnumType
return _create_type 'type', $name => (
optimized_as => sub{ defined($_[0]) && !ref($_[0]) && exists $valid{$_[0]} },
- type => 'Enum',
-$TYPE{ArrayRef}{constraint_generator} = \&_parameterize_ArrayRef_for;
-$TYPE{HashRef}{constraint_generator} = \&_parameterize_HashRef_for;
-$TYPE{Maybe}{constraint_generator} = \&_parameterize_Maybe_for;
sub _find_or_create_parameterized_type{
my($base, $param) = @_;
my $name = join '|', @types;
+ # UnionType
$TYPE{$name} ||= Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(
name => $name,
type_constraints => \@types,
- type => 'Union',
sub find_type_constraint {
my($spec) = @_;
return $spec if Mouse::Util::is_a_type_constraint($spec);
+ return undef if !defined $spec;
$spec =~ s/\s+//g;
return $TYPE{$spec};
sub find_or_parse_type_constraint {
my($spec) = @_;
return $spec if Mouse::Util::is_a_type_constraint($spec);
+ return undef if !defined $spec;
$spec =~ s/\s+//g;
return $TYPE{$spec} || do{