sub called C<bind_fields()> or something and reuse it repeatedly. You still
get a layer of abstraction over manual SQL specification.
+Note that if you set L</bindtype> to C<columns>, the C<\[$sql, @bind]>
+construct (see L</Literal SQL with placeholders and bind values (subqueries)>)
+will expect the bind values in this format.
=item quote_char
This is the character that a table or column name will be quoted
$stmt = "WHERE ( date_column = date '2008-09-30' - ?::integer )"
@bind = ('10');
+Note that you must pass the bind values in the same format as they are returned
+by C</where>. That means that if you set L</bindtype> to C<columns>, you must
+provide the bind values in the C<< [ column_name => value ] >> format, so eg.
+the above example will look like:
+ my %where = (
+ date_column => \[q/= date '2008-09-30' - ?::integer/, [ dummy => 10 ]/]
+ )
Literal SQL is especially useful for nesting parenthesized clauses in the
main SQL query. Here is a first example :