Revision history for {{$dist->name}}
+ - fix buggy test that does not try hard enough to look for a nonexistent
+ pid (ether)
0.18 2013-05-13 19:34:52Z
- make tests a bit more tolerant of slow systems, by waiting longer for
- my $PID = 9999;
+ # find a pid that doesn't currently exist - start by looking at our own
+ # and going backwards (not 100% reliable but better than hardcoding one)
+ my $PID = $$;
+ do { $PID--; $PID = 2**32 if $PID < 1 } while kill(0, $PID);
+ diag 'assigning the non-existent pid ' . $PID;
my $f = MooseX::Daemonize::Pid::File->new(
file => [ 't', '' ],