is_deeply([splice @trigger], [[$object2, 100, $object2->meta->get_attribute('attr')]], "correct arguments to trigger in the constructor");
do {
- package Class2;
+ package Parent;
use Mouse;
has attr => (
is => 'rw',
- default => 10,
trigger => {
before => sub {
push @trigger, ['before', @_];
+ package Child;
+ use Mouse;
+ extends 'Parent';
+ has '+attr' => (
+ default => 10,
+ );
-my $o2 = Class2->new;
+my $child = Child->new;
is(@trigger, 0, "trigger not called on constructor with default");
-is($o2->attr, 10, "reader");
+is($child->attr, 10, "reader");
is(@trigger, 0, "trigger not called on reader");
-is($o2->attr(5), 20, "writer");
+is($child->attr(5), 20, "writer");
is_deeply([splice @trigger], [
- ['before', $o2, 5, $o2->meta->get_attribute('attr')],
- ['around-before', $o2, 5, $o2->meta->get_attribute('attr')],
- ['around-after', $o2, 5, $o2->meta->get_attribute('attr')],
- ['after', $o2, 20, $o2->meta->get_attribute('attr')],
+ ['before', $child, 5, Child->meta->get_attribute('attr')],
+ ['around-before', $child, 5, Child->meta->get_attribute('attr')],
+ ['around-after', $child, 5, Child->meta->get_attribute('attr')],
+ ['after', $child, 20, Child->meta->get_attribute('attr')],