use strict;
use SQL::Translator;
use SQL::Translator::Schema;
+use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
use SQL::Translator::Parser::xSV qw(parse);
-use Test::More tests => 13;
+use Test::More tests => 25;
my $tr = SQL::Translator->new;
my $s = SQL::Translator::Schema->new;
$tr->parser_args( trim_fields => 1, scan_fields => 1 );
my $val = parse($tr, $data, $s);
-# $val holds the processed data structure.
-# The data structure should have one key:
-is(scalar keys %{$val}, 1, "One table...");
-# The data structure should have a single key, named sessions
-ok(defined $val->{'table1'} => "...named 'table1'");
-# $val->{'table1'} should have a single index (since we haven't
-# defined an index, but have defined a primary key)
-my $indices = $val->{'table1'}->{'indices'};
-is(scalar @{$indices}, 1, "correct index number");
-is($indices->[0]->{'type'}, 'primary_key', "correct index type");
-is($indices->[0]->{'fields'}->[0], 'One', "correct index name");
-# $val->{'table1'} should have two fields, id and a_sessionn
-my $fields = $val->{'table1'}->{'fields'};
-is(scalar keys %{$fields} => 7 => "7 fields in %fields");
-is($fields->{'One'}->{'data_type'}, 'char',
- "\$fields->{'One'}->{'data_type'} == 'char'");
-my $size = join(',', @{ $fields->{'One'}{'size'} } );
-is( $size, 3, "\$fields->{'One'}->{'size'} == 3");
-is($fields->{'One'}->{'is_primary_key'} => 1,
- "\$fields->{'One'}->{'is_primary_key'} == 1");
-ok(! defined $fields->{'Two'}->{'is_primary_key'},
- "\$fields->{'Two'}->{'is_primary_key'} == 0");
-is($fields->{'Six'}->{'data_type'}, 'integer',
- "\$fields->{'Six'}->{'data_type'} == 'integer'");
-is($fields->{'Seven'}->{'data_type'}, 'float',
- "\$fields->{'Seven'}->{'data_type'} == 'float'");
-# Test that the order is being maintained by the internal order
-# data element
-my @order = sort { $fields->{$a}->{'order'}
- <=>
- $fields->{$b}->{'order'}
- } keys %{$fields};
-ok($order[0] eq 'One' && $order[4] eq 'Five', "Ordering OK");
+my $schema = $tr->schema;
+my @tables = $schema->get_tables;
+is( scalar @tables, 1, 'Correct number of tables (1)' );
+my $table = shift @tables;
+is( $table->name, 'table1', 'Table is named "table1"' );
+my @fields = $table->get_fields;
+is( scalar @fields, 7, 'Correct number of fields (7)' );
+my $f1 = $fields[0];
+is( $f1->name, 'One', 'First field name is "One"' );
+is( $f1->data_type, 'char', 'Data type is "char"' );
+is( $f1->size, '3', 'Size is "3"' );
+is( $f1->is_primary_key, 1, 'Field is PK' );
+my $f2 = $fields[1];
+is( $f2->name, 'Two', 'First field name is "Two"' );
+is( $f2->data_type, 'char', 'Data type is "char"' );
+is( $f2->size, '2', 'Size is "2"' );
+is( $f2->is_primary_key, 0, 'Field is not PK' );
+my $f5 = $fields[4];
+is( $f5->name, 'Five', 'Fifth field name is "Five"' );
+is( $f5->data_type, 'char', 'Data type is "char"' );
+is( $f5->size, '26', 'Size is "26"' );
+is( $f5->is_primary_key, 0, 'Field is not PK' );
+my $f6 = $fields[5];
+is( $f6->name, 'Six', 'Sixth field name is "Six"' );
+is( $f6->data_type, 'integer', 'Data type is "integer"' );
+is( $f6->size, '6', 'Size is "6"' );
+my $f7 = $fields[6];
+is( $f7->name, 'Seven', 'Seventh field name is "Seven"' );
+is( $f7->data_type, 'float', 'Data type is "float"' );
+is( $f7->size, '1,2', 'Size is "1,2"' );
+my @indices = $table->get_indices;
+is( scalar @indices, 0, 'Correct number of indices (0)' );
+my @constraints = $table->get_constraints;
+is( scalar @constraints, 1, 'Correct number of constraints (1)' );
+my $c = shift @constraints;
+is( $c->type, PRIMARY_KEY, 'Constraint is a PK' );
+is( join(',', $c->fields), 'One', 'On field "One"' );