# do we ever export anything else than 'struct'...?
$self->export_to_level( 1, $self, @_ );
} else {
- &struct;
+ goto &struct;
use Class::Struct CLASS_NAME => [ ELEMENT_NAME => ELEMENT_TYPE, ... ];
use Class::Struct CLASS_NAME => { ELEMENT_NAME => ELEMENT_TYPE, ... };
+ # declare struct at compile time, based on array, implicit class name:
+ package CLASS_NAME;
+ use Class::Struct ELEMENT_NAME => ELEMENT_TYPE, ... ;
package Myobj;
use Class::Struct;
# declare struct with four types of elements:
@INC = '../lib';
-print "1..12\n";
+# A couple of simple classes to use as struct elements.
package aClass;
sub new { bless {}, shift }
sub meth { 42 }
package RecClass;
sub new { bless {}, shift }
+# The first of our Class::Struct based objects.
package MyObj;
use Class::Struct;
use Class::Struct 'struct'; # test out both forms
use Class::Struct SomeClass => { SomeElem => '$' };
struct( s => '$', a => '@', h => '%', c => 'aClass' );
-my $obj = MyObj->new;
+# The second Class::Struct objects:
+# test the 'compile-time without package name' feature.
+package MyOther;
+use Class::Struct s => '$', a => '@', h => '%', c => 'aClass';
+# back to main...
+package main;
-print "not " unless $obj->s() eq 'foo';
-print "ok 1\n";
+use Test::More tests => 24;
-my $arf = $obj->a;
+my $obj = MyObj->new;
+isa_ok $obj, 'MyObj';
-print "not " unless ref $arf eq 'ARRAY';
-print "ok 2\n";
+is $obj->s(), 'foo';
+isa_ok $obj->a, 'ARRAY';
$obj->a(2, 'secundus');
+is $obj->a(2), 'secundus';
-print "not " unless $obj->a(2) eq 'secundus';
-print "ok 3\n";
-my $hrf = $obj->h;
-print "not " unless ref $hrf eq 'HASH';
-print "ok 4\n";
+is $obj->a(1), 5;
+isa_ok $obj->h, 'HASH';
$obj->h('x', 10);
+is $obj->h('x'), 10;
-print "not " unless $obj->h('x') == 10;
-print "ok 5\n";
-my $orf = $obj->c;
+is $obj->h('r'), 8;
-print "not " if defined($orf);
-print "ok 6\n";
+is $obj->c, undef;
$obj = MyObj->new( c => aClass->new );
-$orf = $obj->c;
-print "not " if ref $orf ne 'aClass';
-print "ok 7\n";
+isa_ok $obj->c, 'aClass';
+is $obj->c->meth(), 42;
-print "not " unless $obj->c->meth() == 42;
-print "ok 8\n";
-my $obk = SomeClass->new();
+my $obj = MyOther->new;
+isa_ok $obj, 'MyOther';
+is $obj->s(), 'foo';
-print "not " unless $obk->SomeElem() == 123;
-print "ok 9\n";
+isa_ok $obj->a, 'ARRAY';
+$obj->a(2, 'secundus');
+is $obj->a(2), 'secundus';
+is $obj->a(1), 5;
-print "not " unless $obj->a(1) == 5;
-print "ok 10\n";
+isa_ok $obj->h, 'HASH';
+$obj->h('x', 10);
+is $obj->h('x'), 10;
+is $obj->h('r'), 8;
-print "not " unless $obj->h('r') == 8;
-print "ok 11\n";
+is $obj->c, undef;
+$obj = MyOther->new( c => aClass->new );
+isa_ok $obj->c, 'aClass';
+is $obj->c->meth(), 42;
+my $obk = SomeClass->new();
+is $obk->SomeElem(), 123;
-my $recobj = RecClass->new() or print "not ";
-print "ok 12\n";
+my $recobj = RecClass->new();
+isa_ok $recobj, 'RecClass';