eval { truncate "Iofs.tmp", 5; };
- skip("no truncate - $@", 4) if $@;
+ skip("no truncate - $@", 6) if $@;
is(-s "Iofs.tmp", 5, "truncation to five bytes");
# bets, given alternative encryption/hashing schemes like MD5,
# C2 (or higher) security schemes, and non-UNIX platforms.
-ok(substr(crypt("ab", "cd"), 2) ne substr(crypt("ab", "ce"), 2), "salt makes a difference");
+SKIP: {
+ skip ("VOS crypt ignores salt.", 1) if ($^O eq 'vos');
+ ok(substr(crypt("ab", "cd"), 2) ne substr(crypt("ab", "ce"), 2), "salt makes a difference");
$a = "a\xFF\x{100}";