Craig A. Berry [Mon, 5 Apr 2004 11:02:12 +0000 (06:02 -0500)]
Message-ID: <>
(makes malloc wrap the default on VMS)
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@22656
$! determine whether to use malloc wrapping
$ echo ""
-$ IF .NOT. usedevel .AND. usedevel .NES. "define"
-$ THEN bool_dflt = "n"
-$ ELSE bool_dflt = "y"
+$ bool_dflt = "y"
$ IF F$TYPE(usemallocwrap) .nes. ""
$ then
-$ if usemallocwrap .or. usemallocwrap .eqs. "define" then bool_dflt = "y"
+$ if .NOT. usemallocwrap .or. usemallocwrap .eqs. "undef" then bool_dflt = "n"
$ endif
$ rp = "Do you wish to wrap malloc calls to protect against potential overflows? [''bool_dflt'] "
$ GOSUB myread