$ config_symbols1 ="|installprivlib|installscript|installsitearch|installsitelib|most|oldarchlib|oldarchlibexp|osname|pager|perl_symbol|perl_verb|"
$ config_symbols2 ="|prefix|privlib|privlibexp|scriptdir|sitearch|sitearchexp|sitebin|sitelib|sitelib_stem|sitelibexp|try_cxx|use64bitall|use64bitint|"
$ config_symbols3 ="|usecasesensitive|usedefaulttypes|usedevel|useieee|useithreads|usemultiplicity|usemymalloc|usedebugging_perl|useperlio|usesecurelog|"
-$ config_symbols4 ="|usethreads|usevmsdebug|usefaststdio|"
+$ config_symbols4 ="|usethreads|usevmsdebug|usefaststdio|usemallocwrap|"
$ open/read CONFIG 'config_sh'
$ rd_conf_loop:
$ usedefaulttypes = "undef"
$ if (d_alwdeftype) then usedefaulttypes = "define"
+$! determine whether to use malloc wrapping
+$ echo ""
+$ IF .NOT. usedevel .AND. usedevel .NES. "define"
+$ THEN bool_dflt = "n"
+$ ELSE bool_dflt = "y"
+$ IF F$TYPE(usemallocwrap) .nes. ""
+$ then
+$ if usemallocwrap .or. usemallocwrap .eqs. "define" then bool_dflt = "y"
+$ endif
+$ rp = "Do you wish to wrap malloc calls to protect against potential overflows? [''bool_dflt'] "
+$ GOSUB myread
+$ IF ans
+$ THEN usemallocwrap = "define"
+$ ELSE usemallocwrap = "undef"
$! Ask if they want to use perl's memory allocator
$ echo ""
$ echo "Perl has a built-in memory allocator that is tuned for normal"
$ WC "mab='" + "'"
$ WC "make='" + make + "'"
$ WC "malloctype='void *'"
+$ WC "usemallocwrap='" + usemallocwrap + "'"
$ WC "man1ext='rno'"
$ WC "man3ext='rno'"
$ WC "mmaptype='void *'"