'DBI' => 0,
'File::ShareDir' => 1.0,
'File::Spec' => 0,
+ 'XML::Writer' => 0.500,
recommends => {
'Template' => 2.10,
'GD' => 0,
'GraphViz' => 0,
'Graph::Directed' => 0,
- 'IO::File' => 0,
- 'IO::Scalar' => 0,
'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel' => 0.41,
'Text::ParseWords' => 0,
'Text::RecordParser' => 0.02,
- 'XML::Writer' => 0.500,
'XML::LibXML' => 1.61,
test_requires => {
+if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) {
+ _recompile_grammars();
+ _recreate_rt_source();
+sub _recompile_grammars {
+ # placeholder, will be used to recompile P::RD parsers before shipping
+ # will also allow to lose dependency on P::RD
+sub _recreate_rt_source {
+ my $base_xml = "t/data/roundtrip.xml";
+ my $autogen_yaml = "t/data/roundtrip_autogen.yaml";
+ print "Updating $autogen_yaml\n";
+ unlink $autogen_yaml;
+ eval {
+ use lib 'lib';
+ require SQL::Translator;
+ require SQL::Translator::Parser::XML;
+ open (my $fh, '>', $autogen_yaml) or die "$autogen_yaml: $!\n";
+ my $tr = SQL::Translator->new;
+ my $yaml = $tr->translate (
+ parser => 'XML',
+ file => $base_xml,
+ producer => 'YAML',
+ ) or die sprintf ("Unable to translate %s to YAML: %s\n",
+ $base_xml,
+ $tr->error || 'error unknown'
+ );
+ print $fh $yaml;
+ close $fh;
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ print <<EOE;
+=============== FATAL ERROR =================
+Unable to update the roundtrip schema (attempt triggered by AUTHOR mode).
+Aborting Makefile generation.
+ exit 1;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::SQL::Translator;
+use Test::Differences;
+use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
+ maybe_plan(1, 'SQL::Translator::Parser::XML',
+ 'SQL::Translator::Producer::XML');
+# It's very hard to read and modify YAML by hand. Thus we
+# use an XML file for definitions, and generate a YAML from
+# it in Makefile.PL, so we do not saddle the user with XML
+# dependencies for testing. This test makes sure they do
+# not drift apart.
+use SQL::Translator;
+my $base_xml_fn = "$Bin/data/roundtrip.xml";
+my $autogen_yaml_fn = "$Bin/data/roundtrip_autogen.yaml";
+my $orig_xml = _parse_to_xml ($base_xml_fn, 'XML');
+my $new_xml = _parse_to_xml ($autogen_yaml_fn, 'YAML');
+eq_or_diff ("$new_xml", "$orig_xml", 'YAML test schema matches original XML schema');
+sub _parse_to_xml {
+ my ($fn, $type) = @_;
+ my $tr = SQL::Translator->new;
+ $tr->no_comments (1); # this will drop the XML header
+ my $xml = $tr->translate (
+ parser => $type,
+ file => $fn,
+ producer => 'XML',
+ ) or die $tr->error;
+ return $xml;
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+Created by SQL::Translator::Producer::SqlfXML
+Created on Fri Aug 15 15:08:18 2003
+ -->
+<schema xmlns="http://sqlfairy.sourceforge.net/sqlfairy.xml">
+ <tables>
+ <table order="1" name="Basic">
+ <fields>
+ <field
+ name="id"
+ is_primary_key="1" is_foreign_key="0"
+ size="10" data_type="int" is_auto_increment="1" order="1"
+ is_nullable="0">
+ <extra ZEROFILL="1" />
+ </field>
+ <field
+ name="title"
+ is_primary_key="0" is_foreign_key="0"
+ size="100" is_auto_increment="0" data_type="varchar"
+ order="2" default_value="hello" is_nullable="0" />
+ <field
+ name="description"
+ size="0" data_type="text" order="3" default_value="" />
+ <field name="email" size="500" data_type="varchar" order="4">
+ <extra foo="bar" hello="world" bar="baz" />
+ </field>
+ <field name="explicitnulldef" size="0" data_type="varchar" order="5" />
+ <field name="explicitemptystring" size="0"
+ data_type="varchar" order="6" default_value="" />
+ <field name="emptytagdef" size="0"
+ data_type="varchar" order="7" default_value="" >
+ <comments>Hello emptytagdef</comments>
+ </field>
+ <field name="another_id" size="10"
+ data_type="int" default_value="2" />
+ <field name="timest" size="0"
+ data_type="timestamp" order="7" >
+ </field>
+ </fields>
+ <indices>
+ <index name="titleindex" fields="title" type="NORMAL">
+ <extra foo="bar" hello="world" bar="baz" />
+ </index>
+ </indices>
+ <constraints>
+ <constraint name="" type="PRIMARY KEY" fields="id"
+ reference_table="" options="" deferrable="1" match_type=""
+ expression="" on_update="" on_delete="">
+ <extra foo="bar" hello="world" bar="baz" />
+ </constraint>
+ <constraint name="emailuniqueindex" type="UNIQUE" fields="email" />
+ <constraint name="" type="FOREIGN KEY" fields="another_id"
+ reference_table="Another" options="" deferrable="1" match_type=""
+ expression="" on_update="" on_delete="">
+ </constraint>
+ </constraints>
+ <extra foo="bar" hello="world" bar="baz" mysql_table_type="InnoDB" />
+ </table>
+ <table order="1" name="Another">
+ <fields>
+ <field
+ name="id"
+ is_primary_key="1" is_foreign_key="0"
+ size="10" data_type="int" is_auto_increment="1" order="1"
+ is_nullable="0">
+ </field>
+ </fields>
+ <constraints>
+ <constraint name="" type="PRIMARY KEY" fields="id"
+ reference_table="" options="" deferrable="1" match_type=""
+ expression="" on_update="" on_delete="">
+ </constraint>
+ </constraints>
+ <extra foo="bar" hello="world" bar="baz" mysql_table_type="InnoDB" />
+ </table>
+ </tables>
+ <views>
+ <view name="email_list" fields="email" order="1">
+ <sql>SELECT email FROM Basic WHERE (email IS NOT NULL)</sql>
+ <extra foo="bar" hello="world" bar="baz" />
+ </view>
+ </views>
+ <triggers>
+ <trigger name="foo_trigger" database_event="insert" on_table="Basic"
+ perform_action_when="after" order="1">
+ <action>update modified=timestamp();</action>
+ <extra foo="bar" hello="world" bar="baz" />
+ </trigger>
+ <trigger name="bar_trigger" database_events="insert , update" on_table="Basic"
+ perform_action_when="before" order="1">
+ <action>update modified2=timestamp();</action>
+ <extra hello="aliens" />
+ </trigger>
+ </triggers>
+ <procedures>
+ <procedure name="foo_proc" order="1" owner="Nomar" parameters="foo,bar">
+ <sql>select foo from bar</sql>
+ <comments>Go Sox!</comments>
+ <extra foo="bar" hello="world" bar="baz" />
+ </procedure>
+ </procedures>