use Cwd qw(cwd);
use File::Find qw(find);
use File::Spec::Functions qw(
- catdir splitpath splitdir catpath rel2abs abs2rel
+ catdir catfile splitpath splitdir catpath rel2abs abs2rel
use File::Spec::Unix;
use File::Copy qw(copy);
my ($self, $where, $packlists) = @_;
rmtree $where;
mkpath $where;
+ # Build a copy of @INC with dir separator added after each path
+ my @inc = map
+ { catfile($_, '') }
+ @INC;
foreach my $pl (@$packlists) {
- my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = splitpath $pl;
- my @dir_parts = splitdir $dirs;
- my $pack_base;
- PART: foreach my $p (0 .. $#dir_parts) {
- if ($dir_parts[$p] eq 'auto') {
- # $p-2 since it's <wanted path>/$Config{archname}/auto
- $pack_base = catpath $vol, catdir @dir_parts[0..$p-2];
- last PART;
- }
- }
- die "Couldn't figure out base path of packlist ${pl}" unless $pack_base;
foreach my $source (lines_of $pl) {
+ my $base;
+ foreach my $inc_base (@inc) {
+ # XXX Not case-proof (for case ignorant filesystems)
+ if (substr($source,0,length $inc_base) eq $inc_base) {
+ $base = $inc_base;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($base) {
+ die "Couldn't figure out \@INC path of ${source}" if substr($source, -3) eq '.pm';
+ next;
+ }
# there is presumably a better way to do "is this under this base?"
# but if so, it's not obvious to me in File::Spec
- next unless substr($source,0,length $pack_base) eq $pack_base;
- my $target = rel2abs( abs2rel($source, $pack_base), $where );
+ my $target = rel2abs( abs2rel($source, $base), $where );
my $target_dir = catpath((splitpath $target)[0,1]);
mkpath $target_dir;
copy $source => $target;