One of its tests was forcibly setting @INC when $ENV{PERL_CORE} is true. That's
not just unnecessary now, it's actively counter-productive, because tests in
@ext are running from their extension's directory, not the core's t directory.
- if ($ENV{'PERL_CORE'}) {
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- @INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib' && -d '../ext';
- }
require Test::More; import Test::More;
require Config; import Config;
'../cpan/Devel-PPPort' => 1,
'../cpan/Getopt-Long' => 1,
'../ext/IO-Compress' => 1,
- '../cpan/IPC-SysV' => 1,
'../ext/Math-BigInt' => 1,
'../ext/Math-BigRat' => 1,
'../ext/MIME-Base64' => 1,