+A composite is a role that consists of a set of two or more roles.
+The API of a composite role is almost identical to that of a regular
+C<Moose::Meta::Role::Composite> is a subclass of L<Moose::Meta::Role>.
=head2 METHODS
=over 4
-=item B<new>
+=item B<< Moose::Meta::Role::Composite->new(%options) >>
-=item B<meta>
+This returns a new composite role object. It accepts the same
+options as its parent class, with a few changes:
-=item B<name>
+=over 8
-=item B<get_method_map>
+=item * roles
-=item B<add_method>
+This option is an array reference containing a list of
+L<Moose::Meta::Role> object. This is a required option.
+=item * name
+If a name is not given, one is generated from the roles provided.