use vars qw/$VERSION/;
-$VERSION = '0.44';
+$VERSION = '0.45';
# Package to store unsigned big integers in decimal and do math with them
# between 1 and MAX_VAL (e.g. one element) and rem is not wanted.
if (!wantarray)
- $x->[0] = int($x->[-1] / $yorg->[-1]);
+ # fit's into one Perl scalar, so result can be computed directly
+ # cannot use int() here, because it rounds wrongly on some systems
+ #$x->[0] = int($x->[-1] / $yorg->[-1]);
+ # round to 8 digits, then truncate result to integer
+ $x->[0] = int ( sprintf ("%.8f", $x->[-1] / $yorg->[-1]) );
splice(@$x,1); # keep single element
return $x;
# between 1 and MAX_VAL (e.g. one element) and rem is not wanted.
if (!wantarray)
- $x->[0] = int($x->[-1] / $yorg->[-1]);
+ # fit's into one Perl scalar, so result can be computed directly
+ # cannot use int() here, because it rounds wrongly on some systems
+ #$x->[0] = int($x->[-1] / $yorg->[-1]);
+ # round to 8 digits, then truncate result to integer
+ $x->[0] = int ( sprintf ("%.8f", $x->[-1] / $yorg->[-1]) );
splice(@$x,1); # keep single element
return $x;