--- /dev/null
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+typedef struct condpair {
+ pthread_mutex_t mutex;
+ pthread_cond_t cond;
+ Thread owner;
+} condpair_t;
+AV *condpair_table;
+typedef SSize_t Thread__Cond;
+static void *
+void *arg;
+ Thread thr = (Thread) arg;
+ LOGOP myop;
+ dSP;
+ I32 oldmark = TOPMARK;
+ I32 oldscope = scopestack_ix;
+ I32 retval;
+ AV *returnav = newAV();
+ int i;
+ /*
+ * Wait until our creator releases us. If we didn't do this, then
+ * it would be potentially possible for out thread to carry on and
+ * do stuff before our creator fills in our "self" field. For example,
+ * if we went and created another thread which tried to pthread_join
+ * with us, then we'd be in a mess.
+ */
+ MUTEX_LOCK(threadstart_mutexp);
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(threadstart_mutexp);
+ MUTEX_DESTROY(threadstart_mutexp); /* don't need it any more */
+ Safefree(threadstart_mutexp);
+ DEBUG_L(fprintf(stderr, "new thread 0x%lx starting at %s\n",
+ (unsigned long) thr, SvPEEK(TOPs)));
+ /*
+ * It's safe to wait until now to set the thread-specific pointer
+ * from our pthread_t structure to our struct thread, since we're
+ * the only thread who can get at it anyway.
+ */
+ if (pthread_setspecific(thr_key, (void *) thr))
+ croak("panic: pthread_setspecific");
+ switch (Sigsetjmp(top_env,1)) {
+ case 3:
+ fprintf(stderr, "panic: top_env\n");
+ /* fall through */
+ case 1:
+#ifdef VMS
+ statusvalue = 255;
+ statusvalue = 1;
+ /* fall through */
+ case 2:
+ av_store(returnav, 0, newSViv(statusvalue));
+ goto finishoff;
+ }
+ /* Now duplicate most of perl_call_sv but with a few twists */
+ op = (OP*)&myop;
+ Zero(op, 1, LOGOP);
+ myop.op_flags = OPf_STACKED;
+ myop.op_next = Nullop;
+ myop.op_flags |= OPf_KNOW;
+ myop.op_flags |= OPf_LIST;
+ op = pp_entersub(ARGS);
+ if (op)
+ runops();
+ retval = stack_sp - (stack_base + oldmark);
+ sp -= retval;
+ av_store(returnav, 0, newSVpv("", 0));
+ for (i = 1; i <= retval; i++)
+ sv_setsv(*av_fetch(returnav, i, TRUE), *sp++);
+ finishoff:
+ SvREFCNT_dec(stack);
+ SvREFCNT_dec(cvcache);
+ Safefree(markstack);
+ Safefree(scopestack);
+ Safefree(savestack);
+ Safefree(retstack);
+ Safefree(cxstack);
+ Safefree(tmps_stack);
+ return (void *) returnav; /* Available for anyone to join with us */
+newthread(startsv, initargs)
+SV *startsv;
+AV *initargs;
+ dTHR;
+ dSP;
+ Thread savethread;
+ int i;
+ savethread = thr;
+ New(53, thr, 1, struct thread);
+ init_stacks(ARGS);
+ defstash = savethread->Tdefstash; /* XXX maybe these should */
+ curstash = savethread->Tcurstash; /* always be set to main? */
+ mainstack = stack;
+ /* top_env? */
+ /* runlevel */
+ cvcache = newHV();
+ /* The following pushes the arg list and startsv onto the *new* stack */
+ /* Could easily speed up the following greatly */
+ for (i = 0; i < AvFILL(initargs); i++)
+ XPUSHs(SvREFCNT_inc(*av_fetch(initargs, i, FALSE)));
+ XPUSHs(SvREFCNT_inc(startsv));
+ New(53, threadstart_mutexp, 1, pthread_mutex_t);
+ /* On your marks... */
+ MUTEX_INIT(threadstart_mutexp);
+ MUTEX_LOCK(threadstart_mutexp);
+ /* Get set...
+ * Increment the global thread count. It is decremented
+ * by the destructor for the thread specific key thr_key.
+ */
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&nthreads_mutex);
+ nthreads++;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&nthreads_mutex);
+ if (pthread_create(&self, NULL, threadstart, (void*) thr))
+ return NULL; /* XXX should clean up first */
+ /* Go */
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(threadstart_mutexp);
+ return thr;
+void condpair_kick(SSize_t cond, SV *code, int broadcast_flag) {
+ condpair_t *condp;
+ HV *hvp;
+ GV *gvp;
+ CV *cv = sv_2cv(code, &hvp, &gvp, FALSE);
+ SV *sv = *av_fetch(condpair_table, cond, TRUE);
+ dTHR;
+ if (!SvOK(sv))
+ croak("bad Cond object argument");
+ condp = (condpair_t *) SvPVX(sv);
+ /* Get ownership of condpair object */
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&condp->mutex);
+ while (condp->owner && condp->owner != thr)
+ COND_WAIT(&condp->cond, &condp->mutex);
+ if (condp->owner == thr) {
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&condp->mutex);
+ croak("Recursing in Thread::Cond::waituntil");
+ }
+ condp->owner = thr;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&condp->mutex);
+ /* We now own the condpair object */
+ perl_call_sv(code, G_SCALAR|G_NOARGS|G_DISCARD|G_EVAL);
+ /* Release condpair object */
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&condp->mutex);
+ condp->owner = 0;
+ /* Signal or Broadcast condpair */
+ if (broadcast_flag)
+ COND_BROADCAST(&condp->cond);
+ else
+ COND_SIGNAL(&condp->cond);
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&condp->mutex);
+ /* Check we don't need to propagate a die */
+ sv = GvSV(gv_fetchpv("@", TRUE, SVt_PV));
+ if (SvTRUE(sv))
+ croak(SvPV(sv, na));
+static SV *
+SV *sv;
+ HV *hvp;
+ GV *gvp;
+ CV *cv = sv_2cv(sv, &hvp, &gvp, FALSE);
+ if (!cv)
+ croak("Not a CODE reference");
+ if (CvCONDP(cv)) {
+ Safefree(CvCONDP(cv));
+ CvCONDP(cv) = 0;
+ }
+ return sv;
+MODULE = Thread PACKAGE = Thread
+new(class, startsv, ...)
+ SV * class
+ SV * startsv
+ AV * av = av_make(items - 1, &ST(2));
+ RETVAL = newthread(startsv, av);
+ SV * sv
+ HV * hvp = NO_INIT
+ GV * gvp = NO_INIT
+ SvFLAGS(sv_2cv(sv, &hvp, &gvp, FALSE)) |= SVpcv_SYNC;
+ ST(0) = sv_mortalcopy(sv);
+ SV * sv
+ ST(0) = sv_mortalcopy(fast(sv));
+ Thread t
+ AV * av = NO_INIT
+ int i = NO_INIT
+ if (pthread_join(t->Tself, (void **) &av))
+ croak("pthread_join failed");
+ /* Could easily speed up the following if necessary */
+ for (i = 0; i <= AvFILL(av); i++)
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(*av_fetch(av, i, FALSE)));
+ Thread t
+ pthread_yield();
+MODULE = Thread PACKAGE = Thread::Cond
+ char * class
+ SV * sv = NO_INIT
+ condpair_t * condp = NO_INIT
+ if (!condpair_table)
+ condpair_table = newAV();
+ sv = newSVpv("", 0);
+ sv_grow(sv, sizeof(condpair_t));
+ condp = (condpair_t *) SvPVX(sv);
+ MUTEX_INIT(&condp->mutex);
+ COND_INIT(&condp->cond);
+ condp->owner = 0;
+ av_push(condpair_table, sv);
+ RETVAL = AvFILL(condpair_table);
+waituntil(cond, code)
+ Thread::Cond cond
+ SV * code
+ SV * sv = NO_INIT
+ condpair_t * condp = NO_INIT
+ HV * hvp = NO_INIT
+ GV * gvp = NO_INIT
+ CV * cv = sv_2cv(code, &hvp, &gvp, FALSE);
+ I32 count = NO_INIT
+ sv = *av_fetch(condpair_table, cond, TRUE);
+ if (!SvOK(sv))
+ croak("bad Cond object argument");
+ condp = (condpair_t *) SvPVX(sv);
+ do {
+ /* Get ownership of condpair object */
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&condp->mutex);
+ while (condp->owner && condp->owner != thr)
+ COND_WAIT(&condp->cond, &condp->mutex);
+ if (condp->owner == thr) {
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&condp->mutex);
+ croak("Recursing in Thread::Cond::waituntil");
+ }
+ condp->owner = thr;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&condp->mutex);
+ /* We now own the condpair object */
+ count = perl_call_sv(code, G_SCALAR|G_NOARGS|G_EVAL);
+ /* Release condpair object */
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&condp->mutex);
+ condp->owner = 0;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&condp->mutex);
+ /* See if we need to go round again */
+ if (count == 0)
+ croak(SvPV(GvSV(gv_fetchpv("@", TRUE, SVt_PV)), na));
+ else if (count > 1)
+ croak("waituntil code returned more than one value");
+ sv = POPs;
+ } while (!SvTRUE(sv));
+ ST(0) = sv_mortalcopy(sv);
+signal(cond, code)
+ Thread::Cond cond
+ SV * code
+ condpair_kick(cond, code, 0);
+broadcast(cond, code)
+ Thread::Cond cond
+ SV * code
+ condpair_kick(cond, code, 1);