use Email::MIME;
use Test::More;
+use Try::Tiny;
use Email::Archive;
use Email::Archive::Storage::MongoDB;
-my $email = Email::MIME->create(
- header => [
- From => '',
- To => '',
- Subject => 'Message in a bottle',
- 'Message-ID' => 'helloworld',
- ],
- body => 'hello there!'
+my $test_host = 'localhost';
+my $test_port = 27017;
+my $mongo_database = 'EmailArchiveTestMongoDB';
+my $mongo_collection = 'emails';
-my $storage = Email::Archive::Storage::MongoDB->new(
- host => 'localhost',
- port => 27017,
- database => 'EmailArchiveTestMongoDB',
- collection => 'emails',
+sub check_for_mongo {
+ my ($host, $port) = @_;
+ try {
+ require Net::Telnet;
+ my $telnet = Net::Telnet->new(
+ Timeout => 10,
+ );
-my $e = Email::Archive->new(
- storage => $storage,
+ my $ok = $telnet->open(
+ Host => $host,
+ Port => $port,
+ );
+ return $ok;
+ }
+ catch {
+ return 0;
+ }
-my $found = $e->retrieve('helloworld');
+SKIP: {
+ skip 'no MongoDB running or Net::Telnet not installed', 1
+ unless check_for_mongo($test_host, $test_port);
-$found = $e->retrieve('helloworld');
-cmp_ok($found->header('subject'), 'eq', "Message in a bottle",
- "can find stored message by ID");
+ my $email = Email::MIME->create(
+ header => [
+ From => '',
+ To => '',
+ Subject => 'Message in a bottle',
+ 'Message-ID' => 'helloworld',
+ ],
+ body => 'hello there!'
+ );
+ my $storage = Email::Archive::Storage::MongoDB->new(
+ host => $test_host,
+ port => $test_port,
+ database => $mongo_database,
+ collection => $mongo_collection,
+ );
+ my $e = Email::Archive->new(
+ storage => $storage,
+ );
+ $e->connect;
+ $e->store($email);
+ my $found = $e->retrieve('helloworld');
+ $found = $e->retrieve('helloworld');
+ cmp_ok($found->header('subject'), 'eq', "Message in a bottle",
+ "can find stored message by ID");
-my $conn = MongoDB::Connection->new(
- host => 'localhost',
- port => 27017
+ # cleanup
+ my $conn = MongoDB::Connection->new(
+ host => $test_host,
+ port => $test_port,
+ );
+ $conn->$mongo_database->drop;