Subject: [PATCH] "perlbug" =~ /(bug){2}/
perlbug -ok fails to quit cleanly and save a copy of the report
if there is no sendmail.
Further, it saves the bugreport in the wrong place on win32
(c:\tempbugrep027) due to a missing path-separator.
The attached patch fixes both problems.
my($dir) = ($Is_VMS ? 'sys$scratch:' :
($Is_MSWin32 and $ENV{'TEMP'} ? $ENV{'TEMP'} : '/tmp/'));
$filename = "bugrep0$$";
+ $dir .= "\\" if $Is_MSWin32 and $dir !~ m|[\\/]$|;
$filename++ while -e "$dir$filename";
$filename = "$dir$filename";
$sendmail = $_, last if -e $_;
- paraprint <<"EOF" and die "\n" if $sendmail eq "";
+ paraprint <<"EOF", die "\n" if $sendmail eq "";
I am terribly sorry, but I cannot find sendmail, or a close equivalent, and
the perl package Mail::Send has not been installed, so I can't send your bug