-#!perl -w\r
-use strict;\r
-use IO::Handle; # ungetc()\r
-use Test::More tests => 20;\r
-require_ok q{PerlIO::scalar};\r
-my $s = 'foo';\r
-Internals::SvREADONLY($s, 1);\r
- $s = 'bar';\r
-like $@, qr/Modification of a read-only value/, '$s is readonly';\r
-ok open(my $io, '<', \$s), 'open';\r
-getc $io;\r
-my $a = ord 'A';\r
-diag "buffer[$s]";\r
-is $io->ungetc($a), $a, 'ungetc';\r
-diag "buffer[$s]";\r
-is getc($io), chr($a), 'getc';\r
-is $s, 'foo', '$s remains "foo"';\r
-is getc($io), 'o', 'getc/2';\r
-is getc($io), 'o', 'getc/3';\r
-is getc($io), undef, 'getc/4';\r
-for my $c($a .. ($a+10)){\r
- is $io->ungetc($c), $c, "ungetc($c)";\r
\ No newline at end of file
+#!perl -w
+use strict;
+use IO::Handle; # ungetc()
+use Test::More tests => 20;
+require_ok q{PerlIO::scalar};
+my $s = 'foo';
+Internals::SvREADONLY($s, 1);
+ $s = 'bar';
+like $@, qr/Modification of a read-only value/, '$s is readonly';
+ok open(my $io, '<', \$s), 'open';
+getc $io;
+my $a = ord 'A';
+note "buffer[$s]";
+is $io->ungetc($a), $a, 'ungetc';
+note "buffer[$s]";
+is getc($io), chr($a), 'getc';
+is $s, 'foo', '$s remains "foo"';
+is getc($io), 'o', 'getc/2';
+is getc($io), 'o', 'getc/3';
+is getc($io), undef, 'getc/4';
+for my $c($a .. ($a+10)){
+ is $io->ungetc($c), $c, "ungetc($c)";