Support multiple runs to same sizeme_store process, generating separate files
Name runs to allow total_size (for example) of multiple data structures
+ two cases where PERL_SUBVERSION is check with a plain || (marked XXX)
- Smarter array index output - only if node not seen before, so split check_new
Remove depth from stream?
Add addr to leaf to visualize memory layout
# Read the raw memory data from Devel::Memory and process the tree
# (as a stack, propagating data such as totals, up the tree).
# Output completed nodes in the request formats.
# Needs to be generalized to support pluggable output formats.
+# Actually it needs to be split so only does the store
+# and another program drives the output with plugins.
# Making nodes into (lightweight fast) objects would be smart.
# Tests would be even smarter!
$parent->{kids_size} += $self_size + $x->{kids_size};
push @{$parent->{child_id}}, $x->{id};
+ else {
+ $x->{kids_node_count} ||= 0;
+ }
# output
# ...
printf $dot_fh qq{n%d [ %s ];\n}, $x->{id}, join(",", @node_attr);
else { # NPtype_LINK
- my @kids = @{$x->{child_id}};
+ my @kids = @{$x->{child_id}||[]};
die "panic: NPtype_LINK has more than one child: @kids"
if @kids > 1;
for my $child_id (@kids) { # wouldn't work right, eg id= attr
#die Dwarn $x;
my @link_attr = ("id=$x->{id}");
(my $link_name = $x->{name}) =~ s/->$//;
+ $link_name .= " #$x->{id}" if $opt_showid;
push @link_attr, (sprintf "label=%s", $dotnode->($link_name));
printf $dot_fh qq{n%d -> n%d [%s];\n},
$x->{parent_id}, $child_id, join(",", @link_attr);
my $pending_pre_attr = {};
while (<>) {
- warn "== $_" if $opt_debug;
+ warn "\t\t\t\t== $_" if $opt_debug;
my ($type, $id, $val, $name, $extra) = split / /, $_, 5;