t/run/noswitch.t Test aliasing ARGV for other switch tests
t/run/runenv.t Test if perl honors its environment variables.
t/run/switcha.t Test the -a switch
+t/run/switchd.t Test the -d switch
t/run/switchC.t Test the -C switch
t/run/switches.t Tests for the other switches (-0, -l, -c, -s, -M, -m, -V)
t/run/switchF.t Test the -F switch
--- /dev/null
+#!./perl -w
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = qw(../lib lib);
+require "./test.pl";
+plan(tests => 1);
+my $r;
+my @tmpfiles = ();
+END { unlink @tmpfiles }
+my $filename = 'swdtest.tmp';
+SKIP: {
+ open my $f, ">$filename"
+ or skip( "Can't write temp file $filename: $!" );
+ print $f <<'__SWDTEST__';
+package Bar;
+sub bar { $_[0] * $_[0] }
+package Foo;
+sub foo {
+ my $s;
+ $s += Bar::bar($_) for 1..$_[0];
+package main;
+ close $f;
+ push @tmpfiles, $filename;
+ $| = 1; # Unbufferize.
+ $r = runperl(
+ switches => [ '-Ilib', '-d:DevelTest' ],
+ progfile => $filename,
+ );
+ like($r, qr/^main,swdtest.tmp,9;Foo,swdtest.tmp,5;Foo,swdtest.tmp,6;Foo,swdtest.tmp,6;Bar,swdtest.tmp,2;Foo,swdtest.tmp,6;Bar,swdtest.tmp,2;Foo,swdtest.tmp,6;Bar,swdtest.tmp,2;Foo,swdtest.tmp,6;$/i);