eg/cgi/crash.cgi CGI example
eg/cgi/customize.cgi CGI example
eg/cgi/diff_upload.cgi CGI example
-eg/cgi/dna.small.gif.uu Small image for CGI examples
+eg/cgi/dna_small_gif.uu Small image for CGI examples
eg/cgi/file_upload.cgi CGI example
eg/cgi/frameset.cgi CGI example
eg/cgi/index.html Index page for CGI examples
eg/cgi/popup.cgi CGI example
eg/cgi/save_state.cgi CGI example
eg/cgi/tryit.cgi CGI example
-eg/cgi/wilogo.gif.uu Small image for CGI examples
+eg/cgi/wilogo_gif.uu Small image for CGI examples
eg/changes A program to list recently changed files
eg/client A sample client
eg/down A program to do things to subdirectories
-begin 444 dna.small.gif
+begin 444 dna_small.gif
# Extracting defsubs.h (with variable substitutions)
my ($out) = __FILE__ =~ /(^.*)\.PL/;
-if ($^O eq 'VMS') { ($out) = __FILE__ =~ /^(.+)_PL$/i; }
$out =~ s/_h$/.h/;
open(OUT,">$out") || die "Cannot open $file:$!";
print "Extracting $out...\n";