-print "1..19\n";
+print "1..24\n";
require Exporter;
ok( 1, 'Exporter compiled' );
That => [qw(Above the @wailing)],
tray => [qw(Fasten $seatbelt)],
-@EXPORT = qw(lifejacket);
+@EXPORT = qw(lifejacket is);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(under &your $seat);
$VERSION = '1.05';
@wailing = qw(AHHHHHH);
%left = ( left => "right" );
+BEGIN {*is = \&Is};
+sub Is { 'Is' };
::ok( defined &lifejacket, 'simple import' );
+my $got = eval {&lifejacket};
+::ok ( $@ eq "", 'check we can call the imported subroutine')
+ or print STDERR "# \$\@ is $@\n";
+::ok ( $got eq 'lifejacket', 'and that it gave the correct result')
+ or print STDERR "# expected 'lifejacket', got " .
+ (defined $got ? "'$got'" : "undef") . "\n";
+# The string eval is important. It stops $Foo::{is} existing when
+# Testing->import is called.
+::ok( eval "defined &is",
+ "Import a subroutine where exporter must create the typeglob" );
+my $got = eval "&is";
+::ok ( $@ eq "", 'check we can call the imported autoloaded subroutine')
+ or chomp ($@), print STDERR "# \$\@ is $@\n";
+::ok ( $got eq 'Is', 'and that it gave the correct result')
+ or print STDERR "# expected 'Is', got " .
+ (defined $got ? "'$got'" : "undef") . "\n";
package Bar;
my @imports = qw($seatbelt &Above stuff @wailing %left);