use base 'Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToClass';
-my $anon_counter = 0;
sub apply {
my ($self, $role, $object) = @_;
- # FIXME:
- # We really should do this better, and
- # cache the results of our efforts so
- # that we don't need to repeat them.
- my $pkg_name = __PACKAGE__ . "::__RUNTIME_ROLE_ANON_CLASS__::" . $anon_counter++;
- eval "package " . $pkg_name . "; our \$VERSION = '0.00';";
- die $@ if $@;
- my $class = Moose::Meta::Class->initialize($pkg_name);
- $class->superclasses(blessed($object));
- bless $object => $class->name;
- $self->SUPER::apply($role, $class);
+ my $anon_role_key = (blessed($object) . $role->name);
+ my $class;
+ if (exists $ANON_CLASSES{$anon_role_key} && defined $ANON_CLASSES{$anon_role_key}) {
+ $class = $ANON_CLASSES{$anon_role_key};
+ }
+ else {
+ $class = Moose::Meta::Class->create_anon_class(
+ superclasses => [ blessed($object) ]
+ );
+ $ANON_CLASSES{$anon_role_key} = $class;
+ $self->SUPER::apply($role, $class);
+ }
+ $class->rebless_instance($object);
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 20;
+use Test::More tests => 28;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
my $obj = My::Class->new;
-ok(!$obj->can( 'talk' ), "... the role is not composed yet");
+isa_ok($obj, 'My::Class');
+my $obj2 = My::Class->new;
+isa_ok($obj2, 'My::Class');
- isa_ok($obj, 'My::Class');
+ ok(!$obj->can( 'talk' ), "... the role is not composed yet");
ok(!$obj->does('Bark'), '... we do not do any roles yet');
+ ok(!$obj2->does('Bark'), '... we do not do any roles yet');
+ Bark->meta->apply($obj2);
+ ok($obj2->does('Bark'), '... we now do the Bark role');
+ is(blessed($obj), blessed($obj2), '... they share the same anon-class/role thing');
is($obj->sleep, 'nite-nite', '... the original method responds as expected');
ok(!$obj->does('Sleeper'), '... we do not do the Sleeper role');
ok($obj->does('Bark'), '... we still do the Bark role');
ok($obj->does('Sleeper'), '... we now do the Sleeper role too');
- ok(!My::Class->does('Sleeper'), '... the class does not do the Sleeper role');
+ ok(!My::Class->does('Sleeper'), '... the class does not do the Sleeper role');
+ isnt(blessed($obj), blessed($obj2), '... they no longer share the same anon-class/role thing');
isa_ok($obj, 'My::Class');
is($obj->sleep, 'snore', '... got the right return value for the newly composed method');
is($obj->talk, 'zzz', '... got the right return value for the newly composed method');
+ ok(!$obj2->does('Sleeper'), '... we do not do any roles yet');
+ Sleeper->meta->apply($obj2);
+ ok($obj2->does('Sleeper'), '... we now do the Bark role');
+ is(blessed($obj), blessed($obj2), '... they share the same anon-class/role thing again');