my $fh = $self->_normalize_fh_from_args($filename);
my @lines = $self->_normalize_lines(<$fh>);
- return wantarray ? @lines : join('', @lines);
+ return wantarray ? @lines : join(';', @lines);
$self->throw_exception(q{Can't deploy without SQL::Translator 0.09003: '}
SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class::parse( $tr, $schema );
my @lines = "SQL::Translator::Producer::${type}"->can('produce')->($tr);
@lines = $self->_normalize_lines(@lines);
- return wantarray ? @lines : join('', @lines);
+ return wantarray ? @lines : join(';', @lines);
sub deploy {
my ($self, $schema, $type, $sqltargs, $dir) = @_;
- my @statements = $self->deployment_statements($schema, $type, undef, $dir, { %{ $sqltargs || {} }, no_comments => 1 } );
- $self->_execute_statements(@statements);
+ my @statements = $self->deployment_statements(
+ $schema, $type, undef, $dir, { %{ $sqltargs || {} }, no_comments => 1 }
+ );
+ return $self->_execute_statements(@statements);
=head2 datetime_parser
eval {
|| $schema->throw_exception("Can't execute line: $statement, Error: ". $dbh->errstr);
- }; if($@) {
- carp qq{$@ (running "${statement}")};
+ };
+ if($@) {
+ carp "$@ (running $statement)";
sub _normalize_fh_from_args {
my ($self, @args) = @_;
- my $file = Path::Class::File->new(@args);
- open(my $fh, "<", $file) ||
- $self->throw_exception("Can't open file '$file'. Error: $!");
- return $fh;
+ if(my $fh = Scalar::Util::openhandle($args[0])) {
+ return $fh;
+ } else {
+ my $file = Path::Class::File->new(@args);
+ open(my $fh, "<", $file) ||
+ $self->throw_exception("Can't open file '$file'. Error: $!");
+ return $fh;
+ }
=head2 _normalize_lines (@lines)
my $quoted=qr{$quote.+?$quote};
my $block=qr{$quoted|.};
my $comment = qr{--};
my @lines;
foreach my $line (@_) {
- $line=~s/\n|\r|\r\n|\n\r$//g;
+ $line=~s/\n|\r|\r\n|\n\r//g; ## Clear any type of eol characters
## Skip if the line is blank, whitespace only or a comment line
if(!$line || $line=~m/^\s* $comment/x || $line=~m/^\s*$/) {
Give an array of lines, group them into whole statements. This is to handle
how a given statement might have been broken across multiple lines
-Returns an array of arrayrefs.
+Returns an array of arrayrefs, where each item is an arrayref of statement
+'chunks'. The idea here is to group statements but preserve the fact that
+an original raw read of a file split statements across multiple lines. This
+is important since many database engines have limitations as to how many
+columns a line can span.