next if $site eq $priv;
if ("$priv/$expect_leaf" eq $file) {
+ my $call_depth=1;
+ my @caller;
+ while (@caller = caller $call_depth++) {
+ last if $caller[7] # use/require
+ and $caller[6] eq $expect_leaf; # the package file
+ }
+ unless (@caller) {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::cluck(<<"EOM");
+Can't find use/require $expect_leaf in caller stack
+ next;
+ }
# This is fragile, because it
- # 1: depends on the number of call stacks in
- # 2: is directly poking in the internals of
- my ($call_file, $call_line, $callers_bitmask) = (caller 3)[1,2,9];
+ # is directly poking in the internals of
+ my ($call_file, $call_line, $callers_bitmask) = @caller[1,2,9];
if (defined $callers_bitmask
&& (vec($callers_bitmask, $warnings::Offsets{deprecated}, 1)