foreach my $attr ($class->compute_all_applicable_attributes()) {
$attr->initialize_instance_slot($meta_instance, $instance, \%params);
+ # NOTE:
+ # this will only work for a HASH instance type
+ if ($class->is_anon_class) {
+ (reftype($instance) eq 'HASH')
+ || confess "Currently only HASH based instances are supported with instance of anon-classes";
+ # NOTE:
+ # At some point we should make this official
+ # as a reserved slot name, but right now I am
+ # going to keep it here.
+ # my $RESERVED_MOP_SLOT = '__MOP__';
+ $instance->{'__MOP__'} = $class;
+ }
return $instance;
the metaclass they are attached to goes out of scope. In the DESTROY
method, the created package will be removed from the symbol table.
+It is also worth noting that any instances created with an anon-class
+will keep a special reference to the anon-meta which will prevent the
+anon-class from going out of scope until all instances of it have also
+been destroyed. This however only works for HASH based instance types,
+as we use a special reserved slot (C<__MOP__>) to store this.
=item B<initialize ($package_name, %options)>
This initializes and returns returns a B<Class::MOP::Class> object
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 24;
+use Test::More tests => 19;
use Test::Exception;
my $anon_class_id;
-my $instance;
- my $anon_class = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class();
- isa_ok($anon_class, 'Class::MOP::Class');
+ my $instance;
+ {
+ my $anon_class = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class();
+ isa_ok($anon_class, 'Class::MOP::Class');
- ($anon_class_id) = ($anon_class->name =~ /Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::(\d+)/);
+ ($anon_class_id) = ($anon_class->name =~ /Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::(\d+)/);
- ok(exists $main::Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::{$anon_class_id . '::'}, '... the package exists');
- like($anon_class->name, qr/Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::[0-9]+/, '... got an anon class package name');
- is_deeply(
- [$anon_class->superclasses],
- [],
- '... got an empty superclass list');
- lives_ok {
- $anon_class->superclasses('Foo');
- } '... can add a superclass to anon class';
- is_deeply(
- [$anon_class->superclasses],
- [ 'Foo' ],
- '... got the right superclass list');
- ok(!$anon_class->has_method('foo'), '... no foo method');
- lives_ok {
- $anon_class->add_method('foo' => sub { "__ANON__::foo" });
- } '... added a method to my anon-class';
- ok($anon_class->has_method('foo'), '... we have a foo method now');
- $instance = $anon_class->new_object();
- isa_ok($instance, $anon_class->name);
- isa_ok($instance, 'Foo');
- is($instance->foo, '__ANON__::foo', '... got the right return value of our foo method');
- is($instance->bar, 'Foo::bar', '... got the right return value of our bar method');
+ ok(exists $main::Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::{$anon_class_id . '::'}, '... the package exists');
+ like($anon_class->name, qr/Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::[0-9]+/, '... got an anon class package name');
+ is_deeply(
+ [$anon_class->superclasses],
+ [],
+ '... got an empty superclass list');
+ lives_ok {
+ $anon_class->superclasses('Foo');
+ } '... can add a superclass to anon class';
+ is_deeply(
+ [$anon_class->superclasses],
+ [ 'Foo' ],
+ '... got the right superclass list');
+ ok(!$anon_class->has_method('foo'), '... no foo method');
+ lives_ok {
+ $anon_class->add_method('foo' => sub { "__ANON__::foo" });
+ } '... added a method to my anon-class';
+ ok($anon_class->has_method('foo'), '... we have a foo method now');
+ $instance = $anon_class->new_object();
+ isa_ok($instance, $anon_class->name);
+ isa_ok($instance, 'Foo');
+ is($instance->foo, '__ANON__::foo', '... got the right return value of our foo method');
+ is($instance->bar, 'Foo::bar', '... got the right return value of our bar method');
+ }
+ ok(exists $main::Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::{$anon_class_id . '::'}, '... the package still exists');
ok(!exists $main::Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::{$anon_class_id . '::'}, '... the package no longer exists');
-# the superclass relationship actually
-# still exists for the instance ...
-isa_ok($instance, 'Foo');
-# and oddly enough we can still
-# call methods on our instance
-can_ok($instance, 'foo');
-can_ok($instance, 'bar');
-is($instance->foo, '__ANON__::foo', '... got the right return value of our foo method');
-is($instance->bar, 'Foo::bar', '... got the right return value of our bar method');
# but it breaks down when we try to create another one ...
-my $instance_2 = bless {} => ref($instance);
-isa_ok($instance_2, ref($instance));
+my $instance_2 = bless {} => ('Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::' . $anon_class_id);
+isa_ok($instance_2, ('Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::' . $anon_class_id));
ok(!$instance_2->isa('Foo'), '... but the new instance is not a Foo');
ok(!$instance_2->can('foo'), '... and it can no longer call the foo method');
-# NOTE:
-# I bumped this test up to 100_000 instances, and
-# still got not conflicts. If your application needs
-# more than that, your probably mst
-my %conflicts;
-foreach my $i (1 .. 100) {
- $conflicts{ Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class()->name } = undef;
-is(scalar(keys %conflicts), 100, '... got as many classes as I would expect');