$used{$reading->id} = 1;
# Need not output nodes without separate labels
next if $reading->id eq $reading->text;
+ my $rattrs;
my $label = $reading->text;
$label =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
- $dot .= sprintf( "\t\"%s\" [ label=\"%s\" ];\n", $reading->id, $label );
+ $rattrs->{'label'} = $label;
+ # TODO make this an option?
+ # $rattrs->{'fillcolor'} = 'green' if $reading->is_common;
+ $dot .= sprintf( "\t\"%s\" %s;\n", $reading->id, _dot_attr_string( $rattrs ) );
# Add the real edges
return @answer;
+=head2 common_readings
+Returns the list of common readings in the graph (i.e. those readings that are
+shared by all non-lacunose witnesses.)
+sub common_readings {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @common = grep { $_->is_common } $self->readings;
+ return @common;
=head2 path_text( $sigil, $mainsigil [, $start, $end ] )
Returns the text of a witness (plus its backup, if we are using a layer)
+=head2 calculate_common_readings
+Goes through the graph identifying the readings that appear in every witness
+(apart from those with lacunae at that spot.) Marks them as common and returns
+the list.
+=begin testing
+use Text::Tradition;
+my $cxfile = 't/data/Collatex-16.xml';
+my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
+ 'name' => 'inline',
+ 'input' => 'CollateX',
+ 'file' => $cxfile,
+ );
+my $c = $t->collation;
+my @common = $c->calculate_common_readings();
+is( scalar @common, 8, "Found correct number of common readings" );
+my @marked = sort $c->common_readings();
+is( scalar @common, 8, "All common readings got marked as such" );
+my @expected = qw/ n1 n12 n16 n19 n20 n5 n6 n7 /;
+is_deeply( \@marked, \@expected, "Found correct list of common readings" );
+=end testing
+sub calculate_common_readings {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @common;
+ my $table = $self->make_alignment_table( 1 );
+ foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $table->{'length'} - 1 ) {
+ my @row = map { $_->{'tokens'}->[$idx]->{'t'} } @{$table->{'alignment'}};
+ my %hash;
+ foreach my $r ( @row ) {
+ if( $r ) {
+ $hash{$r->id} = $r unless $r->is_meta;
+ } else {
+ $hash{'UNDEF'} = $r;
+ }
+ }
+ if( keys %hash == 1 && !exists $hash{'UNDEF'} ) {
+ my( $r ) = values %hash;
+ $r->is_common( 1 );
+ push( @common, $r );
+ }
+ }
+ return @common;
=head2 text_from_paths
Calculate the text array for all witnesses from the path, for later consistency
my $c = $t->collation;
+my @common = $c->calculate_common_readings();
+is( scalar @common, 8, "Found correct number of common readings" );
+my @marked = sort $c->common_readings();
+is( scalar @common, 8, "All common readings got marked as such" );
+my @expected = qw/ n1 n12 n16 n19 n20 n5 n6 n7 /;
+is_deeply( \@marked, \@expected, "Found correct list of common readings" );
+# =begin testing
+use Text::Tradition;
+my $cxfile = 't/data/Collatex-16.xml';
+my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
+ 'name' => 'inline',
+ 'input' => 'CollateX',
+ 'file' => $cxfile,
+ );
+my $c = $t->collation;
is( $c->common_predecessor( 'n9', 'n23' )->id,
'n20', "Found correct common predecessor" );
is( $c->common_successor( 'n9', 'n23' )->id,