server = gitmo
Authority.authority = cpan:RKITOVER
AutoPrereqs.skip = ^MyRole$
+-remove = Test::UnusedVars ; we like our $class
[Prereqs / RuntimeRequires]
Package::Stash = 0.26
+=for stopwords coercions
package MyClass;
-Have you ever spent an hour or more trying to figure out "WTF, why did my
+Have you ever spent an hour or more trying to figure out "Hey, why did my
coercion not run?" only to find out that you forgot C<< coerce => 1 >> ?
Just load this module in your L<Moose> class and C<< coerce => 1 >> will be
+=for stopwords AnnoCPAN
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
My own stupidity, for inspiring me to write this module.
+=for stopwords Rolsky
Dave Rolsky, for telling me how to do it the L<Moose> way.