my $meta = $class->meta();
- Moose::Util::apply_all_roles_with_method($meta, 'apply_to_metaclass_instance', $traits);
+ # We can only call does_role() on Moose::Meta::Class objects,
+ # and we can only do that on $meta->meta() if it has already
+ # had at least one trait applied to it. By default
+ # $meta->meta() returns a Class::MOP::Class object (not a
+ # Moose::Meta::Class).
+ my @traits
+ = grep { $meta->meta()->can('does_role') ? not $meta->meta()->does_role($_) : 1 }
+ map { Moose::Util::resolve_metatrait_alias( Class => $_ ) }
+ @$traits;
+ return unless @traits;
+ Moose::Util::apply_all_roles_with_method($meta, 'apply_to_metaclass_instance', \@traits);
sub import {
no Moose; # keywords are removed from the Person package
+When you import Moose, you can also specify a list of traits to be
+applied to the class's metaclass object with the C<-traits> flag:
+ package Person;
+ use Moose -traits => [ 'My::Trait::Debug' ];
+These traits will be applied to your class's metaclass instance. For
+example, in this case, when you call C<< Person->meta() >>, you will
+get back an object of the C<Moose::Meta::Class> class which I<also>
+does the C<My::Trait::Class> role.
+=head2 Registering Traits
+You can refer to traits by short names as long as you register them in
+advance. To register a trait, you must create a package of the form
+C<< Moose::Meta::Class::Custom::Trait::<TraitName> >>, where
+"TraitName" is the short name of your trait. This package should
+contain a single subroutine, C<register_implementation()>, which
+returns the package name which actually implements the traits.
+For example, for a trait named C<My::Trait::Debug>, we could do the
+ package My::Trait::Debug;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ sub debug { ... }
+ package Moose;:Meta::Class::Custom::Trait::Debug;
+ sub register_implementation { 'My::Trait::Debug' }
Moose also offers some options for extending or embedding it into your own
use Moose::Role;
- # This needs to happen at begin time so it happens before we apply
- # traits to Bar
+ # This needs to happen at compile time so it happens before we
+ # apply traits to Bar
has 'attr' =>
( is => 'ro',
use Moose::Role;
- # This needs to happen at begin time so it happens before we apply
- # traits to Bar
has 'attr2' =>
( is => 'ro',
'Quux has size attribute' );
ok( ! Quux->meta()->get_attribute('size')->writer(),
'size attribute does not have a writer' );
+ package My::Class::Whatever;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ sub whatever { 42 }
+ package Moose::Meta::Class::Custom::Trait::Whatever;
+ sub register_implementation {
+ return 'My::Class::Whatever';
+ }
+ package RanOutOfNames;
+ use Moose -traits => [ 'Whatever' ];
+ok( RanOutOfNames->meta()->meta()->has_method('whatever'),
+ 'RanOutOfNames->meta() has whatever method' );