--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Spec;
+use Test::More;
+plan tests => 8;
+use_ok( 'Pod::Usage' );
+# Test verbose level 0
+my $vbl_0 = << 'EOMSG';
+ The SYNOPSIS section is displayed with -verbose >= 0.
+my $fake_out = tie *FAKEOUT, 'CatchOut';
+pod2usage({ -verbose => 0, -exit => 'noexit', -output => \*FAKEOUT });
+is( $$fake_out, $vbl_0, 'Verbose level 0' );
+my $msg = "Prefix message for pod2usage()";
+$$fake_out = '';
+pod2usage({ -verbose => 0, -exit => 'noexit', -output => \*FAKEOUT,
+ -message => $msg });
+is( $$fake_out, "$msg\n$vbl_0", '-message parameter' );
+SKIP: {
+ my( $file, $path ) = fileparse( $0 );
+ skip( 'File in current directory', 2 ) if -e $file;
+ $$fake_out = '';
+ eval {
+ pod2usage({ -verbose => 0, -exit => 'noexit',
+ -output => \*FAKEOUT, -input => $file });
+ };
+ like( $@, qr/^Can't open $file for reading:/,
+ 'File not found without -pathlist' );
+ eval {
+ pod2usage({ -verbose => 0, -exit => 'noexit',
+ -output => \*FAKEOUT, -input => $file,
+ -pathlist => $path });
+ };
+ is( $$fake_out, $vbl_0, '-pathlist parameter' );
+{ # Test exit status from pod2usage()
+ my $exit = 42;
+ my $dev_null = File::Spec->devnull;
+ my $args = join ", ", (
+ "-verbose => 0",
+ "-exit => $exit",
+ "-output => q[$dev_null]",
+ "-input => q[$0]",
+ );
+ my $prg = qq[pod2usage({ $args })];
+ my @cmd = ( $^X, '-I../lib', '-MPod::Usage', '-e', $prg );
+ is( system( @cmd ) >> 8, $exit, 'Exit status of pod2usage()' );
+# Test verbose level 1
+my $vbl_1 = << 'EOMSG';
+ The SYNOPSIS section is displayed with -verbose >= 0.
+ The OPTIONS section is displayed with -verbose >= 1.
+ The ARGUMENTS section is displayed with -verbose >= 1.
+$$fake_out = '';
+pod2usage( { -verbose => 1, -exit => 'noexit', -output => \*FAKEOUT } );
+is( $$fake_out, $vbl_1, 'Verbose level 1' );
+# Test verbose level 2
+$$fake_out = '';
+require Pod::Text; # Pod::Usage->isa( 'Pod::Text' )
+( my $p2tp = new Pod::Text )->parse_from_file( $0, \*FAKEOUT );
+my $pod2text = $$fake_out;
+$$fake_out = '';
+pod2usage( { -verbose => 2, -exit => 'noexit', -output => \*FAKEOUT } );
+my $pod2usage = $$fake_out;
+is( $pod2usage, $pod2text, 'Verbose level >= 2 eq pod2text' );
+package CatchOut;
+sub TIEHANDLE { bless \( my $self ), shift }
+sub PRINT { my $self = shift; $$self .= $_[0] }
+=head1 NAME
+Usage.t - Tests for Pod::Usage
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+The B<SYNOPSIS> section is displayed with -verbose >= 0.
+Testing Pod::Usage. This section is not displayed with -verbose < 2.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+The B<OPTIONS> section is displayed with -verbose >= 1.
+The B<ARGUMENTS> section is displayed with -verbose >= 1.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+20020105 Abe Timmerman <abe@ztreet.demon.nl>