--- /dev/null
+package Class::MOP::SafeMixin;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+sub meta {
+ require Class::MOP::Class;
+ Class::MOP::Class->initialize(blessed($_[0]) || $_[0]);
+=head1 NAME
+Class::MOP::SafeMixin - A meta-object for safe mixin-style composition
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This is a meta-object which provides B<safe> mixin-style composition
+of classes. The key word here is "safe" because we enforce a number
+of rules about mixing in which prevent some of the instability
+inherent in other mixin systems. However, it should be noted that we
+still allow you enough rope with which to shoot yourself in the foot
+if you so desire.
+=over 4
+=item *
+In order to mix classes together, they must inherit from a common
+superclass. This assures at least some level of similarity between
+the classes being mixed together, which should results in a more
+stable end product.
+The only exception to this rule is if the class being mixed in has
+no superclasses at all. In this case we assume the mixin is valid.
+=item *
+Since we enforce a common ancestral relationship, we need to be
+mindful of method and attribute conflicts. The common ancestor
+increases the potential of method conflicts because it is common
+for subclasses to override their parents methods. However, it is
+less common for attributes to be overriden. The way these are
+resolved is to use a Trait/Role-style conflict mechanism.
+If two classes are mixed together, any method or attribute conflicts
+will result in a failure of the mixin and a fatal exception. It is
+not possible to resolve a method or attribute conflict dynamically.
+This is because to do so would open the possibility of breaking
+classes in very subtle and dangerous ways, particularly in the area
+of method interdependencies. The amount of implementation knowledge
+which would need to be known by the mixee would (IMO) increase the
+complexity of the feature exponentially for each class mixed in.
+However fear not, there is a solution (see below) ...
+=item *
+Safe mixin's offer the possibility of CLOS style I<before>, I<after>
+and I<around> methods with which method conflicts can be resolved.
+A method, which would normally conflict, but which is labeled with
+either a I<before>, I<after> or I<around> attribute, will instead be
+combined with the original method in the way implied by the attribute.
+The result of this is a generalized event-handling system for classes.
+Which can be used to create things more specialized, such as plugins
+and decorators.
+=head2 What kinda crack are you on ?!?!?!?
+This approach may seem crazy, but I am fairly confident that it will
+work, and that it will not tie your hands unnessecarily. All these
+features have been used with certain degrees of success in the object
+systems of other languages, but none (IMO) provided a complete
+In CLOS, I<before>, I<after> and I<around> methods provide a high
+degree of flexibility for adding behavior to methods, but do not address
+any concerns regarding classes since in CLOS, classes and methods are
+seperate components of the system.
+In Scala, mixins are restricted by their ancestral relationships, which
+results in a need to have seperate "traits" to get around this restriction.
+In addition, Scala does not seem to have any means of method conflict
+resolution for mixins (at least not that I can find).
+In Perl 6, the role system forces manual disambiguation which (as
+mentioned above) can cause issues with method interdependecies when
+composing roles together. This problem will grow exponentially in one
+direction with each role composed and in the other direction with the
+number of roles that role itself is composed of. The result is that the
+complexity of the system becomes unmanagable for all but very simple or
+very shallow roles. Now, this is not to say that roles are unusable, in
+fact, this feature (IMO) promotes good useage of roles by keeping them
+both small and simple. But, the same behaviors cannot be applied to
+class mixins without hitting these barriers all too quickly.
+The same too can be said of the original Triats system, with it's
+features for aliasing and exclusion of methods.
+So after close study of these systems, and in some cases actually
+implementing said systems, I have come to the see that each on it's
+own is not robust enough and that combining the best parts of each
+gives us (what I hope is) a better, safer and saner system.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Stevan Little E<lt>stevan@iinteractive.comE<gt>
+Copyright 2006 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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