use warnings::register;
use vars qw($VERSION %declared);
-$VERSION = '1.15';
+$VERSION = '1.16';
far less likely to send a space probe to the wrong planet because
nobody noticed the one equation in which you wrote C<3.14195>.
-When a constant is used in an expression, perl replaces it with its
+When a constant is used in an expression, Perl replaces it with its
value at compile time, and may then optimize the expression further.
In particular, any code in an C<if (CONSTANT)> block will be optimized
away if the constant is false.
(or simply use a comma in place of the big arrow) instead of
C<< CONSTANT => 'value' >>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Readonly> - Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes.
+L<Const> - Facility for creating read-only variables. Similar to C<Readonly>,
+but uses C<SvREADONLY> instead of C<tie>.
+L<Attribute::Constant> - Make read-only variables via attribute
+L<Scalar::Readonly> - Perl extension to the C<SvREADONLY> scalar flag
+L<Hash::Util> - A selection of general-utility hash subroutines (mostly
+to lock/unlock keys and values)
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests via the perlbug(1) utility.
The CPAN distribution is maintained by SE<eacute>bastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Copyright (C) 1997, 1999 Tom Phoenix