(Create a 'ZZ' directory instead of 'Z' because we already have a 'z'
which is the same as 'Z' on Win32's case-insensitive filesystem)
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@31357
=head1 VERSION
-This document describes version 2.00_03 of File::Path, released
+This document describes version 2.00_04 of File::Path, released
use Exporter ();
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
-$VERSION = '2.00_03';
+$VERSION = '2.00_04';
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(mkpath rmtree);
- $dir = catdir($tmp_base, 'Z');
+ $dir = catdir($tmp_base, 'ZZ');
@created = mkpath($dir);
- is(scalar(@created), 1, "create a Z directory");
+ is(scalar(@created), 1, "create a ZZ directory");
local @ARGV = ($dir);
rmtree( [grep -e $_, @ARGV], 0, 0 );