Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
- better type info for DB2
+ - fix some newly-introduced test bugs
0.07000 2010-05-22 23:40:15
- added qualify_objects option to prepend db_schema to table names
then when/if we get there, break it out as a seperate distribution with a
new name.
- support for user-defined-types as Schema deploy hooks
- - finish data_type tests for all DBs (DB2 and Informix left)
- generate a schema accessor which stores which SQLT type it was loaded from
- add a settable 'on-behalf-of' version tag (for catalyst model)
- inject a table2moniker function into the schema
- introspect view SQL
- domains
- DB2
- - data_type tests
- table/column comments
- introspect on_update/on_delete/is_deferrable
- introspect view SQL