-# $Id: auto-dia.pl,v 1.5 2003-04-01 17:06:22 kycl4rk Exp $
+# $Id: auto-dia.pl,v 1.6 2003-04-01 18:08:02 kycl4rk Exp $
=head1 NAME
-n|--no-lines Don't draw lines
-s|--skip Fields to skip in natural joins
-f|--font-size "small," "medium," "large," or "huge" (default "medium")
+ --color Add colors
--join-pk-only Perform natural joins from primary keys only
use Pod::Usage;
use SQL::Translator;
-my $VERSION = (qw$Revision: 1.5 $)[-1];
+my $VERSION = (qw$Revision: 1.6 $)[-1];
use constant VALID_FONT_SIZE => {
small => 1,
# Get arguments.
my ( $out_file, $image_type, $db_driver, $title, $no_columns,
- $no_lines, $skip_fields, $font_size, $join_pk_only );
+ $no_lines, $skip_fields, $font_size, $add_color, $join_pk_only );
- 'd|db=s' => \$db_driver,
- 'o|output:s' => \$out_file,
- 'i|image:s' => \$image_type,
- 't|title:s' => \$title,
- 'c|columns:i' => \$no_columns,
- 'n|no-lines' => \$no_lines,
- 's|skip:s' => \$skip_fields,
- 'f|font-size:s' => \$font_size,
- '--join-pk-only' => \$join_pk_only,
+ 'd|db=s' => \$db_driver,
+ 'o|output:s' => \$out_file,
+ 'i|image:s' => \$image_type,
+ 't|title:s' => \$title,
+ 'c|columns:i' => \$no_columns,
+ 'n|no-lines' => \$no_lines,
+ 's|skip:s' => \$skip_fields,
+ 'f|font-size:s' => \$font_size,
+ 'color' => \$add_color,
+ 'join-pk-only' => \$join_pk_only,
) or die pod2usage;
my $file = shift @ARGV or pod2usage( -message => 'No input file' );
$table_x{ $table_name } = $this_max_x + 5;
push @shapes, [ 'line', $this_col_x - 5, $below_table_name,
$this_max_x, $below_table_name, 'black' ];
- push @shapes, [
- 'rectangle', $this_col_x - 5, $top - 5, $this_max_x, $y + 5, 'black'
- ];
+ my @bounds = ( $this_col_x - 5, $top - 5, $this_max_x, $y + 5 );
+ if ( $add_color ) {
+ unshift @shapes, [
+ 'filledRectangle',
+ $bounds[0], $bounds[1],
+ $this_max_x, $below_table_name,
+ 'khaki'
+ ];
+ unshift @shapes, [ 'filledRectangle', @bounds, 'white' ];
+ }
+ push @shapes, [ 'rectangle', @bounds, 'black' ];
$max_x = $this_max_x if $this_max_x > $max_x;
$y += 25;
die "GD can't create images of type '$image_type'\n";
my %colors = map { $_->[0], $gd->colorAllocate( @{$_->[1]} ) } (
- [ white => [ 255, 255, 255 ] ],
- [ black => [ 0, 0, 0 ] ],
- [ lightblue => [ 173, 216, 230 ] ],
+ [ white => [ 255, 255, 255 ] ],
+ [ beige => [ 245, 245, 220 ] ],
+ [ black => [ 0, 0, 0 ] ],
+ [ lightblue => [ 173, 216, 230 ] ],
+ [ lightgoldenrodyellow => [ 250, 250, 210 ] ],
+ [ khaki => [ 240, 230, 140 ] ],
$gd->interlaced( 'true' );
-$gd->fill( 0, 0, $colors{ 'white' } );
+my $background_color = $add_color ? 'lightgoldenrodyellow' : 'white';
+$gd->fill( 0, 0, $colors{ $background_color } );
for my $shape ( @shapes ) {
my $method = shift @$shape;
my $color = pop @$shape;