use Lingua::KO::Hangul::Util;
require Exporter;
-our $VERSION = '0.07';
+our $VERSION = '0.08';
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
! defined $self->{alternate} ? '' : $self->{alternate};
# collation level
- $self->{level} ||= $self->{alternate} =~ /shift/ ? 4 : 3;
+ $self->{level} ||= ($self->{alternate} =~ /shift/ ? 4 : 3);
# normalization form
$self->{normalization} = 'D' if ! exists $self->{normalization};
defined $self->{ignoreChar} && $ele =~ /$self->{ignoreChar}/
- $self->{ignored}{$ele} = 1;
- $self->{entries}{$ele} = 1; # true
+ $self->{entries}{$ele} = $self->{ignored}{$ele} = 1;
foreach my $arr ($k =~ /\[(\S+)\]/g) {
my $var = $arr =~ /\*/;
- push @key, $self->getCE( $var, _getHexArray($arr) );
+ push @key, $self->altCE( $var, _getHexArray($arr) );
$self->{entries}{$ele} = \@key;
-## list to collation element
+## arrayref CE = altCE(bool variable?, list[num] weights)
-sub getCE
+sub altCE
my $self = shift;
my $var = shift;
my @c = @_;
$self->{alternate} eq 'blanked' ?
- $var ? [0,0,0] : [ @c[0..2] ] :
- $self->{alternate} eq 'non-ignorable' ? [ @c[0..2] ] :
+ $var ? [0,0,0] : [ @c[0..2] ] :
+ $self->{alternate} eq 'non-ignorable' ?
+ [ @c[0..2] ] :
$self->{alternate} eq 'shifted' ?
$var ? [0,0,0,$c[0] ] : [ @c[0..2], $c[0]+$c[1]+$c[2] ? 0xFFFF : 0 ] :
$self->{alternate} eq 'shift-trimmed' ?
-## to debug
+## string hex_sortkey = splitCE(string arg)
sub viewSortKey
-## sort key
+## list[strings] elements = splitCE(string arg)
-sub getSortKey
+sub splitCE
my $self = shift;
my $code = $self->{preprocess};
my $norm = $self->{normalize};
my $ent = $self->{entries};
- my $ign = $self->{ignored};
my $max = $self->{maxlength};
- my $lev = $self->{level};
- my $cjk = $self->{overrideCJK};
- my $hang = $self->{overrideHangul};
my $rear = $self->{rearrangeHash};
my $str = ref $code ? &$code(shift) : shift;
+ push @buf, $ch;
+ }
+ wantarray ? @buf : \@buf;
- next if !defined $ch || $ign->{$ch}; # ignored
- push @buf,
- $ent->{$ch}
- ? @{ $ent->{$ch} }
- : _isHangul($u)
- ? $hang
- ? &$hang($u)
- : map(@{ $ent->{pack('U', $_)} }, decomposeHangul($u))
- : _isCJK($u)
- ? $cjk ? &$cjk($u) : map($self->getCE(0,@$_), _CJK($u))
- : map($self->getCE(0,@$_), _derivCE($u));
+## list[arrayrefs] weight = getWt(string element)
+sub getWt
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ch = shift;
+ my $ent = $self->{entries};
+ my $ign = $self->{ignored};
+ my $cjk = $self->{overrideCJK};
+ my $hang = $self->{overrideHangul};
+ return if !defined $ch || $ign->{$ch}; # ignored
+ return @{ $ent->{$ch} } if $ent->{$ch};
+ my $u = unpack('U', $ch);
+ return
+ _isHangul($u)
+ ? $hang
+ ? &$hang($u)
+ : map(@{ $ent->{pack('U', $_)} }, decomposeHangul($u))
+ : _isCJK($u)
+ ? $cjk ? &$cjk($u) : map($self->altCE(0,@$_), _CJK($u))
+ : map($self->altCE(0,@$_), _derivCE($u));
+## int = index(string, substring)
+sub index
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $lev = $self->{level};
+ my $str = $self->splitCE(shift);
+ my $sub = $self->splitCE(shift);
+ return wantarray ? (0,0) : 0 if ! @$sub;
+ return wantarray ? () : -1 if ! @$str;
+ my @subWt = grep _ignorableAtLevel($_,$lev),
+ map $self->getWt($_), @$sub;
+ my(@strWt,@strPt);
+ my $count = 0;
+ for my $e (@$str){
+ my @tmp = grep _ignorableAtLevel($_,$lev), $self->getWt($e);
+ push @strWt, @tmp;
+ push @strPt, ($count) x @tmp;
+ $count += length $e;
+ while(@strWt >= @subWt){
+ if(_eqArray(\@strWt, \@subWt, $lev)){
+ my $pos = $strPt[0];
+ return wantarray ? ($pos, $count-$pos) : $pos;
+ }
+ shift @strWt;
+ shift @strPt;
+ }
+ }
+ return wantarray ? () : -1;
+## bool _eqArray(arrayref, arrayref, level)
+sub _eqArray($$$)
+ my $a = shift; # length $a >= length $b;
+ my $b = shift;
+ my $lev = shift;
+ for my $v (0..$lev-1){
+ for my $c (0..@$b-1){
+ return if $a->[$c][$v] != $b->[$c][$v];
+ }
+ return 1;
+## bool _ignorableAtLevel(CE, level)
+sub _ignorableAtLevel($$)
+ my $ce = shift;
+ return if ! defined $ce;
+ my $lv = shift;
+ ! grep { ! $ce->[$_] } 0..$lv-1;
+## string sortkey = getSortKey(string arg)
+sub getSortKey
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $lev = $self->{level};
+ my $rCE = $self->splitCE(shift); # get an arrayref
+ # weight arrays
+ my @buf = grep defined(), map $self->getWt($_), @$rCE;
# make sort key
my @ret = ([],[],[],[]);
-## cmp
+## int compare = cmp(string a, string b)
sub cmp
-## sort
+## list[strings] sorted = sort(list[strings] arg)
sub sort
-## Derived CE
+## list[arrayrefs] CE = _derivCE(int codepoint)
sub _derivCE
-## CJK Unified Ideographs
+## bool is_a_CJK_Unified_Ideograph = _isCJK(int codepoint)
sub _isCJK
-## CJK Unified Ideographs
+## list[arrayref] CE = _CJK(int codepoint_of_CJK)
sub _CJK
-## Hangul Syllables
+## bool is_a_Hangul_Syllable = _isHangul(int codepoint)
sub _isHangul
=head2 Constructor and Tailoring
+The C<new> method returns a collator object.
$UCA = Unicode::Collate->new(
alternate => $alternate,
backwards => $levelNumber, # or \@levelNumbers
$UCA->cmp($a, $b)
+=item C<$position = $UCA-E<gt>index($string, $substring)>
+=item C<($position, $length) = $UCA-E<gt>index($string, $substring)>
+-- see 6.8 Searching, UTR #10.
+If C<$substring> matches a part of C<$string>, returns
+the position of the first occurrence of the matching part in scalar context;
+in list context, returns a two-element list of
+the position and the length of the matching part.
+B<Notice> that the length of the matching part may differ from
+the length of C<$substring>.
+B<Note> that the position and the length are counted on the string
+after the process of preprocess, normalization, and rearrangement.
+Therefore, in case the specified string is not binary equal to
+the preprocessed/normalized/rearranged string, the position and the length
+may differ form those on the specified string. But it is guaranteed
+that, if matched, it returns a non-negative value as C<$position>.
+If C<$substring> does not match any part of C<$string>,
+returns C<-1> in scalar context and
+an empty list in list context.
+e.g. you say
+ my $UCA = Unicode::Collate->new( normalization => undef, level => 1 );
+ my $str = "Ich mu\x{00DF} studieren.";
+ my $sub = "m\x{00FC}ss";
+ my $match;
+ if(my @tmp = $UCA->index($str, $sub)){
+ $match = substr($str, $tmp[0], $tmp[1]);
+ }
+and get C<"mu\x{00DF}"> in C<$match> since C<"mu>E<223>C<">
+is primary equal to C<"m>E<252>C<ss">.
=head2 EXPORT