use LWP::UserAgent;
use Text::Tradition;
use Text::Tradition::Stemma;
+use TryCatch;
use vars qw/ @EXPORT_OK /;
@EXPORT_OK = qw/ run_analysis group_variants analyze_variant_location wit_stringify /;
my( $tradition, $rank, $lacunose, $transposed, $collapse ) = @_;
my $c = $tradition->collation;
my $aclabel = $c->ac_label;
+ my $table = $c->alignment_table;
# Get the alignment table readings
my %readings_at_rank;
- my %is_lacunose; # lookup table for $lacunose
- map { $is_lacunose{$_} = 1 } @$lacunose;
+ my %is_lacunose; # lookup table for witnesses not in stemma
+ map { $is_lacunose{$_} = 1; $is_lacunose{$_.$aclabel} = 1 } @$lacunose;
my @check_for_gaps;
my %moved_wits;
- foreach my $tablewit ( @{$c->alignment_table->{'alignment'}} ) {
+ my $has_transposition;
+ foreach my $tablewit ( @{$table->{'alignment'}} ) {
my $rdg = $tablewit->{'tokens'}->[$rank-1];
my $wit = $tablewit->{'witness'};
# Exclude the witness if it is "lacunose" which if we got here
} elsif( $rdg ) {
# If the reading has been counted elsewhere as a transposition, ignore it.
if( $transposed->{$rdg->{'t'}->id} ) {
- # TODO This doesn't cope with three-way transpositions
+ # TODO Does this cope with three-way transpositions?
map { $moved_wits{$_} = 1 } @{$transposed->{$rdg->{'t'}->id}};
# ...and grab any transpositions, and their relations.
my @transp = grep { $_->rank != $rank } $rdg->{'t'}->related_readings();
foreach my $trdg ( @transp ) {
- map { $moved_wits{$_} = 1 } $trdg->witnesses;
- $transposed->{$trdg->id} = [ $rdg->{'t'}->witnesses ];
+ next if exists $readings_at_rank{$trdg->id};
+ $has_transposition = 1;
+ my @affected_wits = _table_witnesses(
+ $table, $trdg, \%is_lacunose, $aclabel );
+ next unless @affected_wits;
+ map { $moved_wits{$_} = 1 } @affected_wits;
+ $transposed->{$trdg->id} =
+ [ _table_witnesses( $table, $rdg->{'t'}, \%is_lacunose, $aclabel ) ];
$readings_at_rank{$trdg->id} = $trdg;
# ...or it is empty, ergo a gap.
} else {
- push( @check_for_gaps, $wit );
+ _add_to_witlist( $wit, \@check_for_gaps, $aclabel );
my @gap_wits;
map { _add_to_witlist( $_, \@gap_wits, $aclabel )
unless $moved_wits{$_} } @check_for_gaps;
- # TODO check for, and break into a new row, any doubled-up witness readings
- # after transposition...
# Group the readings, collapsing groups by relationship if needed
- my %grouped_readings;
+ my $grouped_readings = {};
foreach my $rdg ( values %readings_at_rank ) {
# Skip readings that have been collapsed into others.
- next if exists $grouped_readings{$rdg->id} && !$grouped_readings{$rdg->id};
+ next if exists $grouped_readings->{$rdg->id}
+ && $grouped_readings->{$rdg->id} eq 'COLLAPSE';
# Get the witness list, including from readings collapsed into this one.
- my @wits = $rdg->witnesses;
- if( $collapse ) {
+ my @wits = _table_witnesses( $table, $rdg, \%is_lacunose, $aclabel );
+ if( $collapse && @$collapse ) {
my $filter = sub { my $r = $_[0]; grep { $_ eq $r->type } @$collapse; };
foreach my $other ( $rdg->related_readings( $filter ) ) {
- my @otherwits = $other->witnesses;
+ my @otherwits = _table_witnesses(
+ $table, $other, \%is_lacunose, $aclabel );
push( @wits, @otherwits );
- $grouped_readings{$other->id} = 0;
+ $grouped_readings->{$other->id} = 'COLLAPSE';
- # Filter the group to those witnesses in the stemma
- my @use_wits;
- foreach my $wit ( @wits ) {
- next if $is_lacunose{$wit};
- push( @use_wits, $wit );
- }
- $grouped_readings{$rdg->id} = \@use_wits;
+ $grouped_readings->{$rdg->id} = \@wits;
- $grouped_readings{'(omitted)'} = \@gap_wits if @gap_wits;
+ $grouped_readings->{'(omitted)'} = \@gap_wits if @gap_wits;
# Get rid of our collapsed readings
- map { delete $grouped_readings{$_} unless $grouped_readings{$_} }
- keys %grouped_readings
+ map { delete $grouped_readings->{$_} if $grouped_readings->{$_} eq 'COLLAPSE' }
+ keys %$grouped_readings
if $collapse;
+ # If something was transposed, check the groups for doubled-up readings
+ if( $has_transposition ) {
+ print STDERR "Group for rank $rank:\n";
+ map { print STDERR "\t$_: " . join( ' ' , @{$grouped_readings->{$_}} ) . "\n" }
+ keys %$grouped_readings;
+ _check_transposed_consistency( $c, $rank, $transposed, $grouped_readings );
+ }
# Return the result
- return \%grouped_readings;
+ return $grouped_readings;
+# Helper function to query the alignment table for all witnesses (a.c. included)
+# that have a given reading at its rank.
+sub _table_witnesses {
+ my( $table, $trdg, $lacunose, $aclabel ) = @_;
+ my $tableidx = $trdg->rank - 1;
+ my @has_reading;
+ foreach my $row ( @{$table->{'alignment'}} ) {
+ my $wit = $row->{'witness'};
+ next if $lacunose->{$wit};
+ my $rdg = $row->{'tokens'}->[$tableidx];
+ next unless exists $rdg->{'t'} && defined $rdg->{'t'};
+ _add_to_witlist( $wit, \@has_reading, $aclabel )
+ if $rdg->{'t'}->id eq $trdg->id;
+ }
+ return @has_reading;
# Helper function to ensure that X and X a.c. never appear in the same list.
+sub _check_transposed_consistency {
+ my( $c, $rank, $transposed, $groupings ) = @_;
+ my %seen_wits;
+ my %thisrank;
+ # Note which readings are actually at this rank, and which witnesses
+ # belong to which reading.
+ foreach my $rdg ( keys %$groupings ) {
+ my $rdgobj = $c->reading( $rdg );
+ # Count '(omitted)' as a reading at this rank
+ $thisrank{$rdg} = 1 if !$rdgobj || $rdgobj->rank == $rank;
+ map { push( @{$seen_wits{$_}}, $rdg ) } @{$groupings->{$rdg}};
+ }
+ # Our work is done if we have no witness belonging to more than one
+ # reading.
+ my @doubled = grep { scalar @{$seen_wits{$_}} > 1 } keys %seen_wits;
+ return unless @doubled;
+ # If we have a symmetric related transposition, drop the non-rank readings.
+ if( @doubled == scalar keys %seen_wits ) {
+ foreach my $rdg ( keys %$groupings ) {
+ if( !$thisrank{$rdg} ) {
+ my $groupstr = wit_stringify( $groupings->{$rdg} );
+ my ( $matched ) = grep { $groupstr eq wit_stringify( $groupings->{$_} ) }
+ keys %thisrank;
+ delete $groupings->{$rdg};
+ # If we found a group match, assume there is a symmetry happening.
+ # TODO think more about this
+ print STDERR "*** Deleting symmetric reading $rdg\n";
+ unless( $matched ) {
+ delete $transposed->{$rdg};
+ warn "Found problem in evident symmetry with reading $rdg";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Otherwise 'unhook' the transposed reading(s) that have duplicates.
+ } else {
+ foreach my $dup ( @doubled ) {
+ foreach my $rdg ( @{$seen_wits{$dup}} ) {
+ next if $thisrank{$rdg};
+ next unless exists $groupings->{$rdg};
+ print STDERR "*** Deleting asymmetric doubled-up reading $rdg\n";
+ delete $groupings->{$rdg};
+ delete $transposed->{$rdg};
+ }
+ }
+ # and put any now-orphaned readings into an 'omitted' reading.
+ foreach my $wit ( keys %seen_wits ) {
+ unless( grep { exists $groupings->{$_} } @{$seen_wits{$wit}} ) {
+ $groupings->{'(omitted)'} = [] unless exists $groupings->{'(omitted)'};
+ _add_to_witlist( $wit, $groupings->{'(omitted)'}, $c->ac_label );
+ }
+ }
+ }
=head2 solve_variants( $graph, @groups )
Sends the set of groups to the external graph solver service and returns
# Finally, add the group to the list to be calculated for this graph.
map { s/\Q$aclabel\E$// } @acwits;
- my $graph = $stemma->extend_graph( \@acwits );
+ my $graph;
+ try {
+ $graph = $stemma->extend_graph( \@acwits );
+ } catch {
+ die "Unable to extend graph with @acwits";
+ }
unless( exists $graph_problems->{"$graph"} ) {
$graph_problems->{"$graph"} = { 'object' => $graph, 'groups' => [] };
# Get the actual graph we should work with
- my $graph = @acwits ? $stemma->extend_graph( \@acwits ) : $stemma->graph;
+ my $graph;
+ try {
+ $graph = @acwits ? $stemma->extend_graph( \@acwits ) : $stemma->graph;
+ } catch {
+ die "Could not extend graph with a.c. witnesses @acwits";
+ }
# Now, armed with that knowledge, make a subgraph for each reading
# and note the root(s) of each subgraph.