package main;
$| = 1;
-use Test::More tests => 512;
+use Test::More tests => 522;
$a = new Oscalar "087";
$c |= $d;
is($c->val, 'c | d', "overloaded |= (by fallback) works");
+ # comparison operators with nomethod
+ my $warning = "";
+ my $method;
+ package nomethod_false;
+ use overload nomethod => sub { $method = 'nomethod'; 0 };
+ package nomethod_true;
+ use overload nomethod => sub { $method= 'nomethod'; 'true' };
+ package main;
+ local $^W = 1;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = $_[0] };
+ my $f = bless [], 'nomethod_false';
+ ($warning, $method) = ("", "");
+ is($f eq 'whatever', 0, 'nomethod makes eq return 0');
+ is($method, 'nomethod');
+ my $t = bless [], 'nomethod_true';
+ ($warning, $method) = ("", "");
+ is($t eq 'whatever', 'true', 'nomethod makes eq return "true"');
+ is($method, 'nomethod');
+ is($warning, "", 'nomethod eq need not return number');
+ eval q{
+ package nomethod_false;
+ use overload cmp => sub { $method = 'cmp'; 0 };
+ };
+ $f = bless [], 'nomethod_false';
+ ($warning, $method) = ("", "");
+ ok($f eq 'whatever', 'eq falls back to cmp (nomethod not called)');
+ is($method, 'cmp');
+ eval q{
+ package nomethod_true;
+ use overload cmp => sub { $method = 'cmp'; 'true' };
+ };
+ $t = bless [], 'nomethod_true';
+ ($warning, $method) = ("", "");
+ ok($t eq 'whatever', 'eq falls back to cmp (nomethod not called)');
+ is($method, 'cmp');
+ like($warning, qr/isn't numeric/, 'cmp should return number');