+for my $package ('Foo:Bar', 'Foo/Bar', 'Foo Bar', 'Foo:::Bar', '') {
+ like(
+ exception { Package::Stash->new($package) },
+ qr/^$package is not a module name/,
+ "$package is not a module name"
+ );
+ exception { Package::Stash->new([]) },
+ qr/^Package::Stash->new must be passed the name of the package to access/,
+ "module name must be a string"
+ exception { Package::Stash->new(undef) },
+ qr/^Package::Stash->new must be passed the name of the package to access/,
+ "module name must be a string"
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Package::Stash;
+my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Foo');
+# this segfaulted on the xs version
+ exception { $stash->add_symbol('@bar::baz') },
+ qr/^Variable names may not contain ::/,
+ "can't add symbol with ::"
+ exception { $stash->get_symbol('@bar::baz') },
+ qr/^Variable names may not contain ::/,
+ "can't add symbol with ::"
+ exception { $stash->get_or_add_symbol('@bar::baz') },
+ qr/^Variable names may not contain ::/,
+ "can't add symbol with ::"