* Add distinction of autoinc and regular primary keys to the GraphViz producer
* Fix odd invocation of Test::More::pass() in t/36-filters.t (RT#64728)
* Quote everything in SQL Server
+* Turn off constraints before dropping tables in SQL Server
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.11007 2010-11-30
my $output;
$output .= header_comment."\n" unless ($no_comments);
- # Generate the DROP statements. We do this in one block here as if we
- # have fkeys we need to drop in the correct order otherwise they will fail
- # due to the dependancies the fkeys setup. (There is no way to turn off
- # fkey checking while we sort the schema like MySQL's set
- # foreign_key_checks=0)
- # We assume the tables are in the correct order to set them up as you need
- # to have created a table to fkey to it. So the reverse order should drop
- # them properly, fingers crossed...
+ # Generate the DROP statements.
if ($add_drop_table) {
+ my @tables = sort { $b->order <=> $a->order } $schema->get_tables;
+ $output .= "--\n-- Turn off constraints\n--\n\n" unless $no_comments;
+ foreach my $table (@tables) {
+ my $name = $table->name;
+ my $q_name = unreserve($name);
+ $output .= "IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '$name' AND type = 'U') ALTER TABLE $q_name NOCHECK CONSTRAINT all;\n"
+ }
+ $output .= "\n";
$output .= "--\n-- Drop tables\n--\n\n" unless $no_comments;
- foreach my $table (
- sort { $b->order <=> $a->order } $schema->get_tables
- ) {
+ foreach my $table (@tables) {
my $name = $table->name;
my $q_name = unreserve($name);
- $output .= qq{IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '$name' AND type = 'U') DROP TABLE $q_name;\n\n}
+ $output .= "IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '$name' AND type = 'U') DROP TABLE $q_name;\n"