my @ary1 = (\$a, \$a);
my @ary2 = (\$a, \$b);
-isnt ( total_size(\@ary2) - total_size(\@ary1), 0,
- 'total_size(\@ary1) < total_size(\@ary2)');
+cmp_ok(total_size(\@ary1), '<', total_size(\@ary2),
+ 'the tracking hash is working');
# check that circular references don't mess things up
-isnt (total_size(*foo), 0, 'total_size(*foo) > 0');
+cmp_ok(total_size(*foo), '>', 0, 'total_size(*foo) > 0');
# CODE ref
my $code = sub { '1' };
-isnt (total_size($code), 0, 'total_size($code) > 0');
+cmp_ok(total_size($code), '>', 0, 'total_size($code) > 0');
# RT#14849 (& RT#26781 and possibly RT#29238?)
-isnt( total_size( sub{ do{ my $t=0 }; } ), 0, 'total_size( sub{ my $t=0 } ) > 0' );
+cmp_ok( total_size( sub{ do{ my $t=0 }; } ), '>', 0,
+ 'total_size( sub{ my $t=0 } ) > 0' );
# CPAN RT #58484 and #58485
-isnt (total_size(\&total_size), 0, 'total_size(\&total_size) > 0');
+cmp_ok(total_size(\&total_size), '>', 0, 'total_size(\&total_size) > 0');
use constant LARGE => 'N' x 8192;