Revision history for DBIx::Class
+ - add +select and +as attributes to ResultSet
- added AutoInflate::DateTime component
- refactor debugging to allow for profiling using Storage::Statistics
- removed Data::UUID from deps, made other optionals required
$attrs->{order_by} = [ $attrs->{order_by} ] if
$attrs->{order_by} and !ref($attrs->{order_by});
$attrs->{order_by} ||= [];
+ if(my $seladds = delete($attrs->{'+select'})) {
+ my @seladds = (ref($seladds) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$seladds : ($seladds));
+ $attrs->{select} = [
+ @{ $attrs->{select} },
+ map { (m/\./ || ref($_)) ? $_ : "${alias}.$_" } $seladds
+ ];
+ }
+ if(my $asadds = delete($attrs->{'+as'})) {
+ my @asadds = (ref($asadds) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$asadds : ($asadds));
+ $attrs->{as} = [ @{ $attrs->{as} }, @asadds ];
+ }
my $collapse = $attrs->{collapse} || {};
if (my $prefetch = delete $attrs->{prefetch}) {
attribute, the column names returned are storage-dependent. E.g. MySQL would
return a column named C<count(employeeid)> in the above example.
+=head2 +select
+=over 4
+Indicates additional columns to be selected from storage. Works the same as
+L<select> but adds columns to the selection.
+=head2 +as
+=over 4
+Indicates additional column names for those added via L<+select>.
=head2 as
=over 4
sub run_tests {
my $schema = shift;
-plan tests => 5;
+plan tests => 8;
my $rs = $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->search({});
cmp_ok($rs_year->sum, '==', 9996, "three artists returned");
+my $psrs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({},
+ {
+ '+select' => \'COUNT(*)',
+ '+as' => 'count'
+ }
+ok(defined($psrs->get_column('count')), '+select/+as count');
+$psrs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({},
+ {
+ '+select' => [ \'COUNT(*)', 'title' ],
+ '+as' => [ 'count', 'addedtitle' ]
+ }
+ok(defined($psrs->get_column('count')), '+select/+as arrayref count');
+ok(defined($psrs->get_column('addedtitle')), '+select/+as title');