To get only the core directories plus the ones for the local::lib in scope:
- $ perl -Mlib::core::only -Mlocal::lib=~/perl5
+ $ perl -mlocal::lib -Mlib::core::only -Mlocal::lib=~/perl5
To attempt to do a self-contained build (but note this will not reliably
propagate into subprocesses, see the CAVEATS below):
- $ PERL5OPT='-Mlib::core::only -Mlocal::lib=~/perl5' cpan
+ $ PERL5OPT='-mlocal::lib -Mlib::core::only -Mlocal::lib=~/perl5' cpan
+Please note that it is necessary to use C<local::lib> twice for this to work.
+First so that C<lib::core::only> doesn't prevent C<local::lib> from loading
+(it's not currently in core) and then again after C<lib::core::only> so that
+the local paths are not removed.