use Moose;
with qw(KiokuX::User);
+## 'id' provided by KiokuX::User stores our username
has 'password' => (is => 'rw', required => 1);
+has 'active' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { 1; });
+# 'traits' => ['Array'] ?
has 'traditions' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Text::Tradition]', required => 0);
# after add_tradition => sub {
# $tradition->set_user($self)
-# unless $tradition->user->username eq $self->name;
+# unless $tradition->user->id eq $self->id;
# }
+=head1 NAME
+Text::Tradition::User - Users which own traditions, and can login to the web app
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ ## Users are managed by Text::Tradition::UserStore
+ my $userstore = Text::Tradition::UserStore->new(dsn => 'dbi:SQLite:foo.db');
+ my $newuser = $userstore->add_user({ username => 'fred',
+ password => 'somepassword' });
+ my $fetchuser = $userstore->find_user({ username => 'fred' });
+ if($fetchuser->check_password('somepassword')) {
+ ## login user or .. whatever
+ }
+ my $user = $userstore->deactivate_user({ username => 'fred' });
+ if(!$user->active) {
+ ## shouldnt be able to login etc
+ }
+ foreach my $t (@{ $user->traditions }) {
+ ## do something with traditions owned by this user.
+ }
+User objects representing owners of L<Text::Tradition>s and authenticated users.
+=head3 id
+Inherited from KiokuX::User, stores the 'username' (login) of the user.
+=head3 password
+User's password, encrypted on creation (by
+=head3 active
+Active flag, defaults to true (1). Will be set to false (0) by
+=head3 traditions
+Returns an ArrayRef of L<Text::Tradition> objects belonging to this user.
+=head2 METHODS
+=head3 check_password
+Inherited from KiokuX::User, verifies a given password string against
+the stored encrypted version.