foreach my $spec (@specs) {
my ($proxy, $target, @args) = @$spec;
$self->{captures} = {};
+ if ( *{_getglob("${into}::${proxy}")}{CODE} ) {
+ die "You cannot overwrite a locally defined method ($proxy) with a delegation";
+ }
$methods{$proxy} =
quote_sub "${into}::${proxy}" =>
$self->_generate_delegation($asserter, $target, \@args),
is $bar->foobot, 'beep', 'asserter checks for existence not truth, on false value';
is $bar->foobar, 'bar', 'asserter checks for existence not truth, on undef ';
+ local $@;
+ ok !eval q{
+ package Baz;
+ use Moo;
+ has foo => ( is => 'ro', handles => 'Robot' );
+ sub smash { 1 };
+ 1;
+ }, 'handles will not overwrite locally defined method';
+ like $@, qr{You cannot overwrite a locally defined method \(smash\) with a delegation};