--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use Module::Build;
+my %arguments = (
+ create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough',
+ license => 'perl',
+ module_name => 'DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns',
+ requires => {
+ 'DBIx::Class' => 0.06002,
+ },
+ build_requires => {
+ 'DBD::SQLite' => 1.11,
+ },
+ recommends => {
+ 'Data::UUID' => 0,
+ 'APR::UUID' => 0,
+ 'UUID' => 0,
+ 'Win32::Guidgen' => 0,
+ 'Win32API::GUID' => 0,
+ },
+ create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough',
+ create_readme => 1,
+ test_files => [ glob('t/*.t')]
--- /dev/null
+ DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns - Implicit uuid columns
+ package Artist;
+ __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/UUIDColumns Core DB/);
+ __PACKAGE__->uuid_columns( 'artist_id' );
+ This DBIx::Class component resembles the behaviour of Class::DBI::UUID,
+ to make some columns implicitly created as uuid.
+ When loaded, "UUIDColumns" will search for a suitable uuid generation
+ module from the following list of supported modules:
+ Data::UUID
+ Win32::Guidgen
+ Win32API::GUID
+ If no supporting module can be found, an exception will be thrown.
+ *APR::UUID will not be loaded under OpenBSD due to an as yet
+ unidentified XS issue.
+ If you would like to use a specific module, you can set "uuid_class":
+ __PACKAGE__->uuid_class('::Data::UUID');
+ __PACKAGE__->uuid_class('MyUUIDGenerator');
+ Note that the component needs to be loaded before Core.
+ uuid_columns(@columns)
+ Takes a list of columns to be filled with uuids during insert.
+ __PACKAGE__->uuid_columns('id');
+ uuid_class($classname)
+ Takes the name of a UUIDMaker subclass to be used for uuid value
+ generation. This can be a fully qualified class name, or a shortcut name
+ starting with :: that matches one of the available
+ DBIx::Class::UUIDMaker subclasses:
+ __PACKAGE__->uuid_class('CustomUUIDGenerator');
+ # loads CustomeUUIDGenerator
+ __PACKAGE->uuid_class('::Data::UUID');
+ # loads DBIx::Class::UUIDMaker::Data::UUID;
+ Note that "uuid_class" chacks to see that the specified class isa
+ DBIx::Class::UUIDMaker subbclass and throws and exception if it isn't.
+ uuid_maker
+ Returns the current UUIDMaker instance for the given module.
+ my $uuid = __PACKAGE__->uuid_maker->as_string;
+ DBIx::Class::UUIDMaker
+ Chia-liang Kao <clkao@clkao.org> Chris Laco <claco@chrislaco.com>
+ You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.