Revision history for Perl extension Moose
+ drink more coffee before
+ doing release engineering
+ - whoops, forgot to do the smolder tests,
+ and we broke some of the custom meta-attr
+ modules. This fixes that.
0.42 Mon. April 28, 2008
- some bad tests slipped by, nothing else
changed in this release (cpantesters++)
use Sub::Name 'subname';
use overload ();
-our $VERSION = '0.22';
+our $VERSION = '0.23';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
use Moose::Meta::Method::Accessor;
delete $options{does};
- ( $actual_options{metaclass}, my @traits ) = $self->interpolate_class(%options);
+ # NOTE:
+ # this doesn't apply to Class::MOP::Attributes,
+ # so we can ignore it for them.
+ # - SL
+ if ($self->can('interpolate_class')) {
+ ( $actual_options{metaclass}, my @traits ) = $self->interpolate_class(%options);
- my %seen;
- my @all_traits = grep { $seen{$_}++ } @{ $self->applied_traits || [] }, @traits;
- $actual_options{traits} = \@all_traits if @all_traits;
+ my %seen;
+ my @all_traits = grep { $seen{$_}++ } @{ $self->applied_traits || [] }, @traits;
+ $actual_options{traits} = \@all_traits if @all_traits;
- delete @options{qw(metaclass traits)};
+ delete @options{qw(metaclass traits)};
+ }
(scalar keys %options == 0)
|| confess "Illegal inherited options => (" . (join ', ' => keys %options) . ")";